
hahaha! the fact that this is a gif... and one that is associated with this sentiment, as compared to the original sentiment..! omg that is too funny.

Replace "kissing" with drinking and you have every article ever written about Cornell's Slope Day - a big day of drinking on the last day of classes before finals studying begins. Security precautions, "they'll go just drinking somewhere unsafe" rationalizations, a concert for non drinkers, and an all around great

This title is crazy misleading. There's nothing in these source articles to indicate that the original clinical trials for gardasil and cervarix excluded WOC. I don't know about these specific trials but I do work in pharma r&d, and it is the standard for clinical trials to recruit a diverse participant set, though

I don't think our only choices as women are to have love for weed or to want facelifts.

I don't see anything wrong with making a remake. Even if the '94 version was the best ever, that was 20 years / 1 generation ago! Teen/Tween girls today are not going to connect with the story through a movie from 20 years ago. We should want the remake (hopefully it being a GOOD one) so the story can be shared with

i see what they did there... they called out the lead character as self-pitying and ridiculous for being so clueless in her late thirties in the hope that it resonates with us and makes us feel all clued in. except it doesn't make the character any more tolerable or any less annoying to watch. it is ridiculous.

haha me too! not next week, but next march.. but still - -ditto!

"Big Pharma" can't just decide to put a drug on the market if the drug's benefits for the approved indication are not proven in robust clnical trials. The companies can't just do whatever they want. And the scientists who work on the trials and downstream of the trials in the commercialization process are not all in

I agree that she was dressed appropriately and it was cool that by doing so and looking beautiful, she reminded the western world that modesty / islamic clothing is not exclusive from the concept of beauty. Most of the poses were even okay (imho), only a couple were a bit too much (the sunbathing one?) considering she

haha ditto..

me too! made it 5 minutes before the polls closed.

Since everyone seems to know this word, I'm guessing it's not the Hindi slang for "to fuck." Unless everyone grew up learning Hindi curse words from their cousins like me?

they are. but then they have a harder time connecting with VC funding, without which a startup tends to stagnate at a base level of revenue.

agree with you completely. gen x, y, millenials.. we're not against hard work. we're against this fantasy of working our entire lives in one place with only the promise of a gold rolex at retirement. certainly the pensions and payouts that had been promised are no longer even a possibility for the younger

No, this is the "american dream" fantasy that the older generations bought into — work hard, head down, sacrifice it all for a better tomorrow — but the truth is that the companies that took it all from the generations DID NOT FULFILL their end of the deal. the companies did not have the backs of the employees they

No, this is the "american dream" fantasy that the older generations bought into — work hard, head down, sacrifice it all for a better tomorrow — but the truth is that the companies that took it all from the generations DID NOT FULFILL their end of the deal. the companies did not have the backs of the employees they

Coming from a Muslim+Hindu family, I thought it might be interesting to point out that we celebrate Christmas too! Secularly of course, but the spirit of giving is a universal message. (Plus, we started when we were kids and everyone we knew was getting gifts, and now we're adults and we are keeping the traditions

The only rom-coms I can think of enjoying recently are Warm Bodies and 17 Again. Both are formulaic, but pretty unusual in their premise/setting. And had good banter between multiple characters, not just leads. Warm Bodies even featured a positive female-female teenage friendship that I think we rarely see in movies.

I don't think the statement is a judgment of what women should or should not do. Given the rest of the article, it suggests she literally does not understand that a woman even CAN do that (leave the home without her husband/family member).

I really think it's just unimaginable for her that a woman can be out without a husband or family member. her world experience is that SHE is not allowed to step out of the home without husband/family member — the concept of a free woman doesn't exist in her world. I don't know if it's fair to expect her to even know