
That's actually advice I've been given several times over the years, by writers of both sexes. The basic key is simple: write someone who acts and talks normally. As long as your character is consistent in general (motivations, back story, values, etc), people will find something to identify with. Trying to write

Doc Emrick for best

I enjoyed that movie a lot. Good skin flap work on the wounds. I suspect the rule about officers is a lot of what you mentioned. Insubordination and bullying would abound if duels could be fought between variying ranks. I also suspect that rival units could settle things with their officers having a structured fight

It's probably a good way to eliminate rivals for that officer's commission you've been eyeing. :)

I have a sister that I care for and love and I protected her against everything the whole life. But, why didn't you kick your sister back? Well, I guess I just had a healthy family...

Facing Worlds is great as a single player too. Here's the setup - You and 1 AI vs 8 AI. Command your ally to take flag. Then you just stay at top of tower as sniper to assist him. I can do this all day.

Chain translocator teleports and side dodging. Who needs cover? Git gud.

Facing Worlds does stand the test of time, as I've been able to enjoy going back to it each time, and remains a map where capture the flag is great. UT and especially UT2K4 hold up quite well in basic gameplay, because of the diverse weapon set, power ups and variety of game modes. The first game was what got me

Trollhunter is quite the wonderful movie. The shaky-cam problem is quite minimal compared to some other movies of the same genera, I highly recommend it. I understand your dislike for the style however, Blair Witch had so much of it I got quite nauseated.

"I'm sorry" my simulacrum whispered, firing.

Monogamous Quads are the future, seriously.

Silent ghost clowns. Everywhere. Invisible, too.

Tentacle caresses Voyager. "They look delicious!"

Tears fell, and the android gasped.

My clone-searching dog barked at me.

Werewolf pairs well with red wine.

Then, Superman entered the Death Star.

"Sunspot activity during reincarnation" he quacked.

Witches didn't burn! They didn't burn!

Aww yeah, sibling battle royales! Here are some that I remember: