
Yeah. Trust me. I understand. Sisters are the worst. brother and I'd get into fist fights but we would NEVER ever crotch shot it. Unspoken rule. Stabbing? Yes. Happened. But kicking in the balls? Not even once.

My sister used to punch me in the balls then laugh as I fell to the ground.

HAHA I think it's a hallmark of OldSkool DMs to gleefully torture and brutalize your players. When i'm feeling dangerous or vengful I take away their toys and gold.

Yeah, you might just do that, because like I say a million times above, this is basically a Civ V expansion, not something NEW like AC was.

Don't forget Hector from the movie "Saturn 3". Robot powered by a brain in a jar.

Well, there is pumpkin spice vodka and bacon vodka. I think if you mixed those and severed it in a glass rimmed in Hidden Valley you would have a winner.

The only thing worse than regular Ghandi is Space Ghandi.

I never thought I would ever utter the words "Thank god Ghandi is dead" or "I am glad my good friend Stalin was there to help me out" but thank your Civilizations for that.

It's cute how some people are chosen for their skills (dude), some for their strength (dude), and some are just lucky (girl). Implication: I'm just here so the useful people can screw and have kids.

As long as Ghandi isn't aboard one of those ships, I'm good. Escaping that tyrannical maniac was pretty much my civ's impetus for building a spaceship lol

People who say "Tarra-skew" are wrong and should feel bad about themselves.

Why isn't the 2010 Wolfman not the start of Universal's new Universal Monsters 'Verse? It was underrated beyond belief, brilliant, an actual horror film unlike so many others these days, a Universal film, and had Benecio Del Toro give a great performance.

So this would be strike two? Though for the record I enjoyed the hell out of The Wolfman.

The Gary Oldman/Winona Rider/Keanu Reeves Dracula is a masterpiece of modern cinema in my opinion, so I have no desire to see some shabby knock-off. Until it's free on VOD at least.

you take a character that's appealed to audiences since 1897, and change absolutely everything about him. great plan.

This is such a great movie, and a totally legit rival of the classic it's remaking. And so beautifully shot it's hard for me to imagine that 3D wasn't a needless distraction from it in its theatrical run. (I've only seen it on DVD.)

And a couple points to go with it —

1). The 3D makes no difference to the viewing experience.

His actions were anomalous. I don't believe his thoughts were. There are literally hundreds of thousands of examples of men spewing the same things on the internet every day. YouTube comment threads alone are proof enough of that. The abuse that gets heaped on outspoken women on Twitter and Facebook is proof enough of

Not a plot hole, I just wanted to share this gif. Crabs; smarter than your average movie character.