

Ok so it wasn’t just me at work in the middle of cubical land having difficulty breathing, tears in my eyes and whisper-shouting, “GO BABY GO!”

A LONG time ago, when road trip entertainment consisted of the license plate game and 99 Bottle of Beer, I had a special escape similar to yours with one key difference. I would make a Monogram model of a WW2 plane, like the P-40 (with free spinning propeller) and then when we drove the five-hour plus trip from

hahahah - well done.

I did too.

Old Dutch was the brand I was introduced to when visiting my Canadian counterparts on a work trip. To their delight, I LOVED the ketchup chips. To their disappointment, I did NOT like Caesars. It was my first (and so far only) trip to Canada. Canadians are cool!

Not sure why you’d get banned. We had a very solid conversation. Thank you for engaging with me.

Ah got it.

TBH - I have nothing earth-shatteringly profound to share. The obvious issues are just that. What I have learned by listening and asking questions to get better understandings of what individual experiences have been and what individual people struggle with in the day to day pursuits of their lives. I read articles on

There is an ocean of difference between arguing and debate. As for responsibility, a little introspection is never a bad thing, but I can’t and won’t speak for you, only myself. I have found that asking questions from a sincere desire to understand yields constructive conversations.

Not sure I qualify as a “good man” but I am pretty confident I am not a “bad man”. After all of the articles, I have read, like this one, from long before the current game-changing events, I have had to own up to my own history. I have always had women as friends, have always believed that women are equal and entitled

I am a 55-year-old human who is male and has white skin. My dad is a card-carrying member of the KKK (literally) and has swastika tattoos. My mother is as old-school WASP as it gets. My sister married a wonderful man who is black and I have a wonderful nephew who identifies as “halfrican”. I love her in-laws and

I bought the regular version of this set last year when it was on special. Best buy I have made for Christmas in years. One of those rare products that works exactly as expected (if not better). The only caveat is that you are best believing that keeping everything CLEAN is paramount to a good experience.

I bought the regular version of this set last year when it was on special. Best buy I have made for Christmas in

Aaaaaaaaaaand my boycott of EA games continues into yet another year.

I’m already imagining Drew’s WYTS NY Giants post next year.

My first live Giants game after years of watching them on TV was a Handley game against the Cards in his first season as HC. The boos and jeers were nigh incessant, right from the kickoff to the end of the game- even though the Giants won.

True. However, I do miss the penalties for excessive pollution – rising sea levels and changing climate. It made the second part of nuclear annihilation fun as well – can I clean up all the radiation before the world is totally screwed?

In EVERY version of CIV, I start out trying to win with each different condition, but ultimately devolve into the same, fulfilling strategy - the race from stone age to nukes. Everything is geared toward amassing multiple nukes, hordes of workers to cleanup, fast attack vehicles to occupy and production to keep it all

Creep was an unexpected joy. I agree not scary, but very CREEPY. Ok, I will go sit in a corner now.

As a lifelong fan of horror, I was underwhelmed by It Follows. It’s not terrible and it has some intense scenes, but taken as a whole it fell far short of the hoopla. Your experience may vary.