
If she is his daughter, they should have just called her Proxy.

I hope they show him before becoming RF, and it's just an episode of him geeking out over meeting The Flash.

Yeah, watching this pilot, despite all the recap/exposition, I definitely felt like anyone who hadn't watched Arrow and Flash would find this completely incomprehensible.

No, they hyped her up with a lot of interviews, but none of the new characters were billed as regulars at first.

Then they should wait a few weeks to premiere it so its not interrupted, like how ABC pushed Agent Carter when it was announced the State of the Union was the week afterr the scheduled premiere.

Well, River was never actually on the planet when he made the reservation— she was in the TARDIS, which is its own dimension, so their last night didn't start until she stepped out.

Chloe Bennett, like her character, is half-Chinese.

I think when Rosalind was telling Coulson about him, she might have mentioned he was on the World Security Council.

That's not even counting Oliver and Joes's son-they-never-knew-they-had plot.

To be fair, Damian does literally brainwash them.

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one thinking of The West Wing during that final scene.

I think that gun was the same one from the season premiere that they tried to use on Atom Smasher.

She said something along the lines of "My life hasn't been the same in 4 years."

They seem to be combining him with Hath-Set, a Hawk villain.

I think the writers just don't understand how slow Mach 2 is compared to near-light speed.

Well, Cisco would have you know that he *totally* upgraded their security system… five minutes before Jay walked in. I think Cisco's idea of a security system is a sign that says "Do Not Enter."

The Big Bad of Arrow this season is into magic, and it's been established Oliver had dealt with magic a little bit when he met John Constantine. He's hardly anywhere near an expert, but has slightly more experience than Barry.

I need this to happen!

Because this is Doctor Who, where Earth is invaded by aliens every other week.

The general consensus seems to be that the wall wasn't actually in the castle, but on the edge of it and the exit (note: the skulls in the ocean don't reset either).