
My assumption is that when Ramsay kidnapped Rickon, Jon made it public knowledge that Theon didn't kill them. During that arc, nobody was really bothering to hide that Rickon Stark was still alive. And if they know Rickon's alive, their next question was probably "So what about Bran?"

Also, when Jon took his Night's Watch oath. Jon was the only one who followed the Old Religion (but Sam swore his oath there too, because the Seven never really did much for him).

AV Club grades shows against themselves, not a universal system. And "A" for SHIELD is different than an "A" for Flash. Giving a B for a show is saying it was a good episode, but not the best this show can do, and has done before.

Vijay did appear in the Framework. Daisy outed him as having a fake ID during her first day at Hydra. They haven't forgotten about him yet.

The creators have said they made the time period deliberately ambgious.

Agent carter was cancelled after 2 seasons. Shield is on it's 4th season. It hasn't been announced whether there will be a season 5, though it isn't doing so hot in the ratings.

Livewire got her powers when the helicopter she was in got hit by lightning and crashed. It was in her first episode.

It's just before Cisco's "Don't use the Princess Bride against me!"

They'll both be back for sure. Arthur Davill had to shoot season 3 of Broadchurch, and Wentworth Miller was working on the revival of Prison Break. Worth noting the latter has a contract to appear across all the CW shows like John Barrowman and Katie Cassidy.

She totally said that. It was great.

I don't think Legends forgot about it, they just resolved the arc last season with the characters deciding to screw destiny and become legends whether time likes it or not.

The Artemis on Arrow isn't Artemis Crock. She's a completely different character who they needed a codename for, and, well, Artemis sounds cool.

Well, Oliver's going to Hub City this season, so smart money's The Question will be popping up soon.

No, it was an episode of Arrow. After Laurel died, a new Black Canary appeared. It turned out to be this girl who idolized Laurel and wanted revenge for her parents' deaths (I actually forgot her real name, but Google tells me it's Evelyn Sharp).

4 days late, but the girl (Artemis) was introduced in an episode last season as a wannabe Black Canary replacement. There is a character named Artemis in the comics/cartoons, but this isn't her. The just gave her that name, because they needed a name and Artemis sounds cool. Ragman and Wild Dog were introduced in this

The showrunner said this will be the last season with flashbacks. Or at least, flashbacks as a running subplot about Oliver's missing years.

Cisco built the Cold Gun to stop Barry in case he went evil. Snart stole it, and a flame gun for Mick. Later on, they kidnapped Cisco and forced him to build a gold gun for Lisa. None of them are metahumans.

I don't know if there's been any official word on it, but I'm pretty sure his absence is just because of Arthur Darvill shooting Broadchurch season 3. I'd be shocked if he didn't come back, though I could see them writing him out more completely given positive reception.

**Spoilers about M'gann from the comics/Young Justice, if you want to know. If not, ignore.**

Young Justice's Martian girl is the same character as this M'gann. She's J'onn's niece in YJ, and they reveal that she's a White Martian midway through season 1.