
I'd say it does bear a resemblance, in that both episode have the character(s) in a labyrinth, being hunted and forced to face their worst fears behind a door that's waiting for them. Also, in that episode, in order to get out, the Doctor had to confess to Amy that he wasn't the hero she thought he was, so that she'd

There was a deleted scene from The Angels Take Manhatten that was never filmed, but was storyboarded (and recorded with Arthur Davill's voice) where Amy and Rory's grandson goes to see Brian with a letter from them explaining what happened.

I'm pretty sure Missy/Master made up the 'dead bodies remain aware' thing to trick the uploaded people into willingly giving up their emotions.

In the comics, he once famously told an entire restaurant to stop breathing so he could eat his eggs in peace. His powers in the show don't seem to override involuntary functions though.

Except season 2 *did* do a villain switch halfway through. The first half sets up Brother Blood as the Big Bad of the season, with no hints that he's working for someone else except wondering where he go the mirakuru. Then, in the midseason finale, it's revealed Slade is alive and is the true villain of the season.

That's definitely Tony Todd's voice. I assume Zoom is modulating his voice with much finer control than Barry or Eobard.

I think his visions might be directly related to what Cisco wants to see. In this case, he wanted to see why Wells was helping them.

I have such low expectations for romance on a Greg Berlanti show I'm just happy James isn't her brother, or the brother of someone she slept with.

I don't watch pirated stuff, because I've had too many bad experiences with viruses.

We just need more Sin in general.

I want to catch up on Constantine, but as Alasdair noted it's pretty much impossible to find nowadays. NBC never funded a DVD release and it's not on any streaming service as far as I could tell.

Probably not the entire rest of the show. Once we get closer to his rescue (assuming the show ever gets to his rescue), Oliver has to get that long hair and beard he was sporting in the pilot's first scene.

I think it would have gone a long way for showing that they at least knew the difference if they'd said something like "The man we knew as Dr Wells…" Or had them try to correct themselves "Wells…well, Thawne…" The way it was written really made it seem like they were ignoring the fact that they never actually met

Matt Ryan said in an interview that originally, he couldn't appear because of a play he's in, but they wanted him so much they moved the plotlines around to fit in his schedule. It's possible they did want him for Halloween.

He showed up and told Caitlin about the military taking all of his and Stein's Firestorm research. They probably didn't want to make a bit part into a series regular on LoT.

It's a reference to the actors, not the comics. Calista Flockhart (Cat) played Gene Hackman (Lex Luthor in the Christopher Reeves Superman movie)'s daughter in The Birdcage.

Last season there was a guy who could shoot lasers out of his eyes. I don't think that episode had a direct crossover, but they did send him to Star Labs at the end.

Robbie Amell is working on the new X-Files. Probably his schedule just conflicted with Flash/LoT. After the Flash premiere, he tweeted "You haven't seen the last of me" so I don't think they parted on bad terms. I suspect they just want to get these lingering plot threads out of the way before the main plot kicks

The working fan theory is this (not sure if it's been confirmed by the creators): So when Eddie killed himself, the paradox caused the singularity to open. This singularity was trying to correct the paradox by erasing everything, starting with Eobard-in-the-present. When they stopped the singularity, they stopped the

Robbie Amell did tweet "You haven't seen the last of me" right after last week's episode aired. I doubt he'll have a huge role because he seems to be focused on other projects such as X-Files, but I'd be shocked if he's really dead.