Yeah, I feel like if they really finally broke up, Liam would just get papped in Australia walking his dog or surfing or whatever. There would be no more drama from him, he would just be kind of living his life!
Yeah, I feel like if they really finally broke up, Liam would just get papped in Australia walking his dog or surfing or whatever. There would be no more drama from him, he would just be kind of living his life!
Yeah, that’s my take, if you just can’t quit Miley Cyrus, you have to be a bit of a dummy!
Brilliant! Solved the mystery in three seconds!
Gah, but of course he did, because it is seemingly impossible for any man to enjoy any amount of professional success or acclaim without whipping his penis out uninvited. I am just tiiiiired of the patriarchy.
I was shocked when I saw this picture! I couldn’t believe my eyes. Jesus Christ, no words...
I think we are going to see a bit more white tongued ‘freaky’ Miley for about 18 months or so until the next reinvention back to...whatever the other Miley is supposed to be. I am just so annoyed at how shit her ‘edgy’ dress sense is. It’s like the Bad Guys section in the costume department of a kid's movie. I can't…
You are doing the most amazing thing right now for this little guy. It is like he won the stray cat Lotto jackpot :) whether it lasts days, weeks, months or years, this is his happy ending :) love to you all ❤️
Yup! He is lapping it up!! I love this :)
Omg he knows how lucky he is. (Atheist) praying for you guys right now!!xx
Sorry to make your hangover even stinkier, but it’s over, he is dead. The ultra rich and powerful can go about their sick business once again.
Yeah well, it’s all over now. I am fucking incensed that his victims won’t see justice and very bad rich people will be just fine, plus ca change...
Yeah, I see the (cat) logic in that. I think me and my little dummies will stick with the ‘kick the sand all over the floor' model! 😂
Yeah, I see the (cat) logic in that. I think me and my little dummies will stick with the ‘kick the sand all over…
That detail is the one that makes me particularly queasy (I am Irish and he is hailed as the ‘architect’ of the peace process in Northern Ireland). It is somehow easier to think of a moron aristocrat like Andrew doing this than respected politicians. How far will this disgusting web reach?
Seriously, what the fuck is going on? I feel like I am losing my grip on reality just looking at this picture, really.
Oh yes, sorry, that was directed at the government, not you :)
Wow, I would prefer living in a society with ubiquitous swearing and no guns to a society with no swearing and ubiquitous guns.
Haha, me too, also Irish, I couldn’t live without swearing. I would simply burst if I quit! And, exactly, considering what he is actually swearing about, the outrage would be hilarious if it wasn’t so terrifying and fucked up :(
Ha! Sounds class :) I must check it out, I miss Bobby so...
There was a lot of ‘who??’ going on in my reading of Dirtbag today as well. And two people in another article also apparently broke up and I couldn’t even be bothered to Google them, because I knew it would be just like reading my horoscope in that I would forget it 5 minutes later. I must be an Old!