

Tis a tragedeigh alright.

The plot, eh, curdles?

That’s probably wise. I am actually vegan (sorry! But it’s relevant to the topic) so I generally don’t consume much cholesterol.

You shouldn’t really have more than 2 a day, otherwise you push yourself over the 300mg mark.

I sympathize with Whoopi, I am often asked if I am ‘really’ gay, despite being actively, even enthusiastically heterosexual for my whole life. I am not a particularly feminine woman, I guess that’s why so many people including, sadly, lesbians, think they know my sexual preferences better than I do. It’s just the

Hillary was looking absolutely radiant, lovely to see, Schadenfreude must be good for the complexion!

Wow, this article really made me realise that I find jewellery absolutely gross and disgusting. It actually makes me want to scream. No wonder I don't own any myself. Thanks, Jez!

I would add a trigger warning before the very graphic description in the subheading tbh.

Thank you for this very thorough answer, as well as the links! Yes, where I am from it's nothing like Taken, it's done in the community while other community members turn a blind eye, and it's generally family members that traffick the kids.

This whole article and the comments seem to be dismissing the very real issue of trafficking, while simultaneously ‘whatabouting’ Christians and right wingers they claim are trafficking their kids. Like, please enlighten me as to the point here. QAnon and Pizzagate and the Wayfair conspiracy are all absurd and bs, but

You don’t think children are actually being trafficked? I am sorry to tell you this, but trafficking is very real, you don’t have to be a QAnon believer to know that. Most cases where I come from are of girls under the age of being trafficked into marriage by their families. It's not a joke.

Yikes, Madonna, get well soon.

Wow, you read that and you still think you are right?

But actually just to clarify, the ‘hot take’ part is that I believe that these men reach a tipping point in their brain ageing, where their age, previous exposure to alcohol and their current consumption of alcohol triggers a kind of cascade and their lives spin out of control due to steep and sudden cognitive decline

Yes, I guess it is. I am also probably drawing on my own observations of a family member who seemed to follow a similar trajectory and who experienced I guess what could be described as a personality change around that age.

My hot take is that all these guys (e.g. Depp, Manson, and currently in Germany, where I live, Till Lindemann and Til Schweiger) seem to cruise through life, acting like 20 year old childless men whether or not they have kids, ‘getting away with it’ and then in their late 50s/early 60s, the wheels seem to come off and

Is it not ‘their’ home?

But the US is not the world leader in any field any more, that’s a myth. Countries like Qatar and Dubai would be like the US was 30 years ago in terms of technology and standards of care. And ask any European who doesn’t actually have to choose between world class healthcare and that same care being available to every

I think you are ready to die on a pretty small hill. My original point was that the word ‘heretic’ did not need to be used solely in a religious sense, actually it can be used in the way it was used in the article. Again I ask you, do you fully understand the meaning of the word ‘heretic’? Look it up in a dictionary.