Mary Tyler Moore cookies, please.

I’ve never smoked, but Mr. Access used to be a smoker. He quit about 10 years ago. He used Commit Lozenges (like nicotine gum, only lozenges) for twice the recommended amount of time. This strategy was discussed in an article about people who quit successfully (don’t remember how they defined “successfully.” I think

So as a woman who’s boyfriend cheated on her with a friend of mine, I say STOP NOW. Stop now until he breaks it off with her because if you don’t, you’ll always have an inkling feeling that he may be cheating on you (and he might be if he doesn’t respect current gf enough to break up with her). I’d personally forgive

I’m sure they’ll find this suggestion shocking, but maybe they could get jobs? By my count, there are 7 legal adults living in the home, and the youngest Duggar child is 5, an age when most children can start going to kindergarten.

Obvi Elizabeth Banks’ high-waisted bellbottoms and Lake Bell’s overalls.

Step 1: Pay someone else to do it.

As long as Blake gets custody of Adam Levine, you’ll be fine Miranda.

There is no lee-way when dealing with a doctors note. Even if the employee says they are fine, but have turned in a doctors saying otherwise, you are going to have zero chance in court IF something happens.

Chandler: Because we love kids. Love them to death. Well, not actually to death. That’s just a figure of speech. We love kids the appropriate amount... as allowed by law.”

Wrong crowd.

I never said my opinion was the most important one. But I think its in the majority. I also think that in pretty much every culture and country, there are clothes that are appropriate for the club, and some that are appropriate for school/work. I don't think my opinion is all that out there.

Well said, that point seems to be lost here. The excuse that guys will look is a stupid one—that shouldn’t be the point. Yes, they will. And girls will look at hot guys. It’s a fact of hormones and it’s fine so long as there isn’t harassment or creepiness involved.

Don’t be so sure...

Good suggestion, but my obsession is to sprinkle frozen naners with fat free, low cal CHOCOLATE COCOA. Screw that: Amything in the chocolate family will do you. Guaranteed gustatorial climax.

It’s true. I’m even lazier though. I just keep sliced banana in the freezer and take it out in pieces all summer. It’s divine. And if you bust out the peanut butter, well, life-changing.

I actually love summer, but to beat the heat, I like to make cold compresses for my forehead whenever I'm inside sweating. It cools me down and makes me feel like an elegant 19th century wealthy person.

You guyssss, I finally got a doggie! Went to the shelter on Monday, she was ready on Thursday. We’re getting along great, she likes the kids and she’s the sweetest thing. Meet Amy:

Obviously these people have never heard my inner monologue.

Companies aren’t legally obligated to negotiate salary with individual employees. They offer you a job at a set compensation, you can either take it or leave it. If you want a raise and they don’t offer it, you can walk.

It’s not a bullshit question. I ask it all the time.

If I ever ask a question in an interview where I am asking for a negative, such as weakness or past mistakes, and they don’t give me one then that tells me one important thing: They are not being honest.