Mary Tyler Moore cookies, please.

So the clear solution is to let these kids just sit at home all day and do nothing? Rather than, I don't know, provide them with a better education? A kid comes from a bad neighborhood and an unstructured (possibly abusive) home so we should just forget about them all together?

One day, I'm heading to a Training Session I was giving to some of my employees at a location away from my office. It's in a somewhat low-income, inner-city, moderate-to-high crime rate neighborhood.

I can see air flow speeding up the drying — maybe fanning? But all the bacteria in his mouth was released onto your freshly sealed up wound. My inner germophobe is writhing right now.

WHY WAS HE BLOWING ON YOUR FOOT?! That sounds insanely unsanitary.

One weekend, my roommate and I visited his hometown and threw party at his mom's house with a bunch of his friends from college. No one lived close by and everyone was drinking, so everyone was crashing there — there were lots of beds, couches, etc available.

Was Molly archived? Please say it isn't so...

My gosh, she is stunning. I haven't seen photos of her in quite some time. She is growing up to be such a pretty lady!

Not featuring the students' children in the yearbook is hardly a "consequence". I applaud these kids for finishing school in spite of their increasingly difficult home life.

That would make sense. However, it seems that she was expressing jealousy to her neighbors. I don't think legal options were an issue here. She flat out had no concern for her child's welfare.

Am I reading this correctly — the mother assumed there was a consensual relationship happening between her 15-year-old daughter and her boyfriend and she exhibits JEALOUSY rather than concern?

I don't think he cares about any of is families.

Alright, everyone leave Tori alone.

My uncle passed very recently, rather suddenly in the middle of the night. My father waited to call my brother and I until around 7:00 AM to give us the news, rather than waking us up at 4:00AM. I got to work at 8:00AM and the first thing that appeared in my Facebook feed was a smiling picture of my uncle with an

Why does everyone always hate on Tori Spelling? I find her so adorable and charming.

Re #3: My niece has been eating solid chunks of food since 6 months. In the early stages, she was mostly nomming and dropping these chunks and relying on breast milk as her main source of nutrients. But now she's 12 months and pretty much eats regular adult-person food with less nursing.

I used to be a recruiter for a tech company. I would get a lot of resumes that didn't list a location and would typically come from candidates across the country wanting to do the position remotely, despite all ads specifying that it was not a remote position. It resulted in a lot of my time wasted making calls to

Is it just me or do they kind of look alike? Like maybe they could be siblings/cousins?

The staff could ask which toy the child wants without assigning a gender to it.

Learned about it in an episode of Scrubs! Easily treated with a box of kittens.

I'm mostly bothered by the fact that this is a word from a made-up language. This is equivalent to naming your child the Cling-On word for "Queen".