Mary Tyler Moore cookies, please.

My last boss was like that. Except, she barely had a grasp on grammar and spelling. She would constantly try to edit my well written policies to barely understandable crap.

This is my life. Except the dog is me. A very sad me who sleeps all squeezed up on the side of the bed whilst the cat dominates in the very center. Every. Night.

It technically WAS misapplication. It will work perfectly fine on some (very few) hair types. There is a commenter or two floating around here who used the product without losing their hair.

I completely agree — these chemicals should be left to professionals who fully understand the effects on different hair types and appropriate damage control when things go astray. Treatments like this simply shouldn't be sold to non professionals.

I worked at a grocery store through high school and college too and I absolutely LOVED working Christmas Eve. Yeah, there were a handful of assholes who waited until the last possible second to buy their entire meal and felt it was 100% my fault that the store was packed out of stock of what they needed. However, I

Thank you! I have an ex who was very into sneakers.. Sorry, "kicks" (cue sarcastic air-quotes). He has twice as many pairs of shoes as me.