Billy John Thornon? I loved him in Evil Santa
Billy John Thornon? I loved him in Evil Santa
So… um, I guess I'm the only one who kind of liked the gimmick of this article and is actually excited for this movie season?
I will miss his regular appearances on the Late Late Show when Craig Ferguson leaves :(
Mike Burns' other Twitter account has the best handle: @PizzaNachos69 ~ runner-up goes to @porksmith (Matt Berry)
Thanks for reminding me to dust off & rewatch my Directors Label music video DVDs (by mentioning Romanek & Glazer)
Yaaay! I love Kurt! … & he has a really cute dog (relevant)
not really a fan of that one; I guess watching it sober was my mistake?
He's definitely an incredible actor, but I think his sketchy personal life puts me off a little. And he seems like the type of guy that hates Hollywood/fame: he is painfully serious & almost never gives interviews
~but I love him so much in Broadcast News
that was such a great episode: "I'm not too sexy to eat day-old bagels!"
be sure to watch the "Mattress Man" extra from PDL:…
yeah, I agree that it's a weird convention. And everyone in ancient Rome had an English accent
It's weird that Much is becoming more dependable than the Comedy Network for carrying quality funny shows. I wish I could get Comedy Central just for the Kyle Kinane voiceovers
But I want to watch Meltdown, consarn it!
and a few weird 12 yo girls, thankyouverymuch
cool! didn't know that
I was charmed by him in Bright Star as well, but I guess that didn't have a huge audience. That film also had a great supporting role from Mark Brendanawicz
I'm hardly a sports fan, but there's a video of him talking about how often he shits his pants (twice a year [!] apparently)
um wha?! Was your co-worker George Brett or something?
I think a friend of mine called that "poor man's sangria," I can't say I've tried it