Poe Dameron Left Me Behind

I think they got rid of the "Vanguard" program, which sort of bridged the gap between MM & the prestige stuff

^ the most sensible thing ever uttered on Fox News

To quote Jim Broadbent in Art School Confidential:
"Our old friend "Pig-Ass-Hole," the nasty little dwarf who went his whole life without a single original thought."

He was *so hot* on Pitch, so its cancellation is a real bummer. This announcement doesn't help because I don't want to watch some wack-ass show about vampires.

"the French Disease"

That article haunts me

Milch needs to pay off his gambling debts!

I also have the urge to yell "The Tooch!" whenever I see him

During the TIFF screening of this, every Bill Nighy line got a laugh from the audience, it was fantastic.

good point, I felt the same way about Silence

I'd like to see more Michael Phillips, and it was super fun when Michael McKean & Annette O'Toole presented together a few months ago

done & done.

always a good choice

So I guess Bronson Pinchot was giving totally bonkers interviews well before his famous Random Roles

yes! I feel the same way; after I watched this I went on a blitz through a bunch of his films and enjoyed a lot of them, but for whatever reason Leverage just doesn't do it for me.

I can't get enough of this movie. Lil' Timothy Hutton is so precious.

Rowdy Roddy Peeeeper!

FJM ya dangus

also Editors