
What in the actual what?
I it's low class until rich white people give it the thumbs up?
The funniest thing is, you know they'll feign ignorance about it too. "Oh, well, they're allowed to say it! I thought it was okay!" That isn't a legitimate excuse anymore; the world has gotten bigger, but with the power

My reaction to the Amber Rose pic: those are needlessly complicated underpants. Seriously there is no way I would be able to put those things on without sticking my leg through the wrong place at least twice. That being said she looks pretty.

This is what I'm saying. Co-ed ghostbusters.


People of color are expected to conform to white norms, so already they can't "appropriate" them. Cultural appropriation is an assertion of power/dominance. A person of color with a flaxen weave cannot actually disempower the dominant majority.

What's next, we'll let people marry anything, even goats or hamburgers? See how that argument doesn't work? The problem is that you are completely ignoring social and historical contexts, not to mention creating a false equivalence by posting the image above. "Baby hair" is associated with members of specific groups.

My knee-jerk reaction was shouting, "QUIT IT, KATY, QUIT IT."

I'm not going to jump your shit. But the only thing hitting a child teaches them is to one day....hit a child.

That's madness...stupid tricky Idaho and their misleading farmland.

I've been told my disproportionately large head and tiny body is quite endearing and I assume kissable...or terrifying. It's one or the other, pretty sure.

how indeed

I'm going to go ahead and assume you didn't click the link in the second-to-last paragraph.

Is New Haven's extra thin, crispy, crust?

That picture brings out one of my peeves. Unless it's supposed to be picked up with your fingers as finger food, do not leave the tail on the shrimp! EVER!
Peel it before serving. The guests should not have to dig through hot meals with their fingers to peel shrimp. The above is obviously a hot meal, and should be

Hi, I just had post this reply so you could see it in your notifications. It appears some asshole has hacked into your Kinja account and is posting stupid and unnecessary contrarian posts with unnecessary semantics arguments.

The British do this too- they call real hockey "ice hockey," and field hockey just "hockey." But they are wrong, and that is why they no longer have an empire.

I have not tried Sichuan Gourmet. I was decidedly unimpressed with How Lee — it was definitely a cut above the standard "chicken fingers in sweet chili sauce" mold that most of Pittsburgh fits into, but it still wasn't a patch on places in DC, NY, or San Francisco. The simple fact that nobody in this fucking city

This... is not a cool comment, IMO.

I consider myself demisexual. I've been attracted to one person in my entire life. To 99.999999% of the people I've encountered, I am asexual. It's nothing to do with libido itself and solely to do with sexual attraction (desire that's directed towards a person).

I don't consider myself "oppressed" because of it or

Is it normal? Because I've never, in my whole life, looked at a stranger and felt more than a knowledge that they were attractive. I've never lusted after someone I didn't know fairly well, never been interested in discussing how hot someone is. I think right now I've got some other sex issues happening, but general