
I couldn't buy the Paul thing, and I thought Lorelai trying to escape the speech was a little too caricature. (that scene was long and really, come on) I would have appreciated more subtlety, that way when they had the blow out after, I would have been more affected. They don't need Lorelai to be so overly clueless

I agree. And when they do show him with the twins, he's always holding them and playing with them. (Like that flashback last ep with the 'mom gene' scene)

The third season is too good! There was really a sophomore slump but it's been great so far, best shape it has ever been. Yael sells the shit out of it, she's so underrated. She's just as good as the others!

This seems like the best shape Jane the Virgin has ever been in. Finally they ditched the redundant love story (though I understood that they had to milk it) but now we get to see Michael and Jane together (and they have great chemisty!) and a friendship between Jane and Raf which, given the history, has enough layers

OMG YES. I got so excited. THANK GOD

I think Michaela was being so exaggeratedly offended. Jeez. It's Survivor. But anyway, I'm sure she's used to people cowering in fear when she confronts them so I appreciated that he didn't even flinch.

Hey, I'm just following the conversation and what you wrote.

TV Club is just the TV chapter of AV Club….I think.

Best players so far for me are Michelle and surprisingly, Ken. I didn't think much of Ken's social game in the beginning, but somehow things have always worked out for him and he does make big moves without being too in your face about them. I also really like Zeke although he seems smarter in theory than execution.

Ken's an outdoorsman, he was working on his shoes. :)

I think the cast is pretty good though? Maybe that's why people keep watching it. I've only seen a couple of eps and HATED it, but I've always liked Kaley Cuoco.

Can we also talk about how depressingly bad ass Narcisse was as a desperate man. Narcisse isn't always likable but that's what Craig Parker is for

It's Constance, man. She's electric

Anyone but Jeremy, that’s my motto. - this made me LOL. He is the worst. The actor is so bored with himself that he's been gaining a few…I mean, not like that's a bad thing, just almost cute and funny.

The whole let's shoot 2 shows at once thing with no clear leader was too hard to grasp for me. What is Chet's role now technically? In the network?

i love how the meta factor of Unreal allows it to test boundaries like with the flag. That would never happen on the bachelor but the show within a show concept changes that. This show is pretty much our id. lol I do love the new EP though, interesting cause it sets up a new sparring partner potential love interest

I find the actor not likeable though, which is a problem. Chet is the worst but the actor sells him really well.

I think this is one of those character revamp things and we're supposed to forget about how horrible he was last season so he can provide the moral judgment now. Kinda sucks but it won't be as easy to enjoy the show if I keep fighting it lol

The actress playing Chantal is the worst one so far. Usually I blame the directing but the actress playing Madison seemed on point plus everyone else save for Jeremy and the shrink are doing pretty well.

I really enjoy how the show is building up the complexity of Lola and Elizabeth's relationship because I really do believe there's genuine concern there. Which I guess is the key to being a good spy but how ruthless can Lola be I wonder? I really enjoy all her screen time though, she's way more fun and useful in