
You mean that kid who had to eat all the chocolate cake in Matilda?

Distractingly beautiful is correct. They really casted a queen.

I agree. I just started watching it bec I needed a show to zone out too but it was much better than I expected. The 2 girls give really strong performances and have great chemistry. They're not afraid to go all out and it works. I wish the secondary characters were more likeable but hey, Earl's there.

To be honest, I'm getting tired of people complaining about historical accuracy when it comes to this show. It's season 4 man, if you don't get it then get out. Historical accuracy has been done-zo since the pilot.

I understand, I'm 27 but I watch this to please my teenage brain. I can't help it, I just think of it as Gossip Girl and not even historical fiction.

When Octavia killed Pike, I thought the second thrust was a really good touch. If for a second, we thought she wasn't sure, well, fuck that. She's Octavia and Pike killed her home. (Of course I don't have the same sentiments IRL, but for the sake of the show, I will always root for Lincoln, and in effect, both Octavia

I initially liked the Harper x Monty thing last week, but not it just seems like they did that for this ep. Meh

Nah dude, fight for it! Forcing people to do something they don't want to isn't right. That being said, why didn't Luna just take the chip dammit (jk) I want her to be my new Heda! (though Lexa will always be special to me)

Yes to everything you said about Luna, but also a bigger yes to wanting to see that fight scene. I miss Lexa so much already.

I kind of get what you mean. They just all seem so at peace with one another despite the alliances breaking.

With Megan Hilty there, I was just waiting for a closing song.

Raven's back, guys! <3

The weakest element of the series continues to be Rafael’s drama with his half-brother Derek - I know! The actor is so meh, but with the Mutter thing, I'm a little more hopeful about it.

I know! That was too staged for me. I don't even remember Cary being an expert in that field, either.

what's the other show?

That's true…at least hers was bigger.

HAHAHA yes they do! I didn't even realize it until you said it but I like their scenes together.

This read to me like fan fiction. I'm sure this will be one of those episodes we'll forget ever happened and they'll never mention again. Also, I think the writer of the ep just got caught up on Breaking Bad.

- I love how they made Clarke the flamekeeper and NOT the commander, which an older CW would have done.

Just a small pet peeve: I'm over the Frozen joke and it just gets in the way. (Unless the twins won't be around for long?)