
And Toby Regbo!

Probably cause you're tired of always looking for flaws to hate people. lol

Survivor is a test of character and everyone had weak moments. Even Andrea's "see you never" was fine even if I found it to be so freaking bitter. But Brad was too much. He kept using Tai's betrayal as an excuse to be a bully bec his pride was hurt. That wasn't hunger. Even Troyzan just wanted to cut Tai some slack.

The only other episode I feel was this rushed was the one where Bothwell and Mary suddenly had feelings for each other. I really stopped watching to check if I missed an ep. (I didn't.) This one feels like they shot too many scenes and just had to choose which plots to push forward.

"He's nice when he's happy."

I also hated Finn, and this Illian guy is pretty much Finn 2.0. Maybe that's why I hated the scene

To me it was just poorly acted/directed/written. The idea of grieving sex isn't new, but it was just such a bad scene. The two have no chemistry whatsoever. Lincoln and Octavia made sense from the get go and he didn't even have any lines. LOL, but there was tension! Even last week's breakdown wasn't convincing, I feel

Good actor, too! It was so weird but I believed him

Good point. Saying "falling in love" first wasn't solid enough

Do they thrown coins on the car??

They should have left that in season 1. By this point, WE GET IT.

I love Colin Sweeney, but I think bringing him back this soon wasn't a good move. It didn't feel organic and I would have preferred Colin Sweeney in a Colin Sweeney-esque case.

I appreciated Sarah calling out his inconsistencies when he was trying to defend himself.

My two fave TV couples ever are Coach and Tami of Friday Night Lights and Jane and Michael. So realistic, healthy, open. I'm so upset. It was really well done but I'm just so sad! Everything was fallnig into place! (Which was obviously their cue to do this just UGH)

I watched the episode during my lunch break and now I'm trying hard not to cry in my office cubicle. NOOOOOOOOOOO

What I liked about this set of final 3 - to those contesting that Adam shouldn't have won - is that none of them was "the best player" (actually even David who was labeled the biggest threat, wasn't even THAT good) but they did eliminate all the big threats, which shows that you don't have to be the best to play a

Knowing this show, they'll get there.

I appreciate all the ab pans

I also wanted to understand why Logan HAD to marry Odette. I didn't need him to end up with Rory I just needed to know why they couldn't be together

I agree! It was the only overboard thing that worked for me because it's PARIS. I've been meh about this whole thing so far but that was my fave.