Mary, Mary, Knotty Pine

Except, you know, all the gay ones.

Great article, Kat. Thank you.

I think she looks adorable.


As soon as I have it x-rayed, thanks.

He said "upgrade".

His dancing is fine.

It's carrying a coconut.


I thought that was a swallow.

You're still making assumptions.

"Spelled" and "spelt" are both correct.

Dude, your mom is bragging about one of her kids, stay our of her way and you won't get hurt.

Your exclamation points frightened me.


I liked these stories. Especially the shaken Pepsi.

Try reading it again. Hint: she didn't say she only watched the commercials, you're just assuming that.

It'll get you drunk, but the hangover is killer.

It'll be super-funny when I stab him in the eye.