I was going to but then there would still be a partial left. Idk.
I was going to but then there would still be a partial left. Idk.
I’m still a bit confused as to who made this.....Michael Kors?
And diamond mining is a super unethical industry, even so called “clean diamonds”. Diamond mining is a huge issue for Native people in Canada. Fuck diamonds.
All behaviour happens for a reason, yeah; if a kid, especially a kid with difficulty communicating, is acting up somehow, it’s important to figure out why and try to help them rather than just trying to figure out the fastest, easiest way to make them act how you want. Teaching someone to hide a problem doesn’t make…
Yeah :( I’m sorry you’ve been treated like that.
happens much more than neurotypicals would like to admit. They accuse us of being inflexible or freaking out when things are different, but then can’t cope with someone not having the same traits as they do.
Yep. It’s actually a common worldview among communities of the disabled - the deaf, the blind, those with autism or DS - who believe that their right to exist - to be loved and to love, to be respected and cherished - is as great as those without disabilities.
Nope, I’m fucking proud to be ASD. Sure I have challenges, but I also have a heckuva lot of gifts that neurotypicals do not.
You know, it’s interesting too in relation to something I saw was being discussed in another comment thread, the fairly arbitrary nature of defining certain things as disability. Like, take physical contact, for example. I don’t much enjoy it most of the time; I’ll go along with casual hugging and touching for people…
Yep, exactly. Learned empathy as conscious effort, rather than as instinct. It might take twenty-odd years before you’re any good at it, sure (and absolutely some autistic people never are/never bother, or don’t also decide they care about those feelings others are having), but once you are, you can be awesome! And my…
I’m going to put this in big letters because it is so apt:
So you care about fetuses with Down Syndrome? What about children with Down Syndrome stuck in a poorly funded special education system with kids who’s abilities are completely different than their own? What about adults with Down Syndrome who are legally being paid less than minimum wage? What about adults with Down…
Yeah, quite. If I was offered a miracle “cure” tomorrow that would make me no longer autistic, I’d turn it down. I like how I am, how I think and view the world; on the whole I think it’s made me a better, kinder person. Being bad at guessing people’s emotions + an awareness of just how awful it is when people insist…
The New York Times has a long story on a new bill in Ohio that would make it illegal for doctors to perform an…
What about the single income families that are a mother (often divorced) and her kids? I haven’t got the stats at my fingertips but in my experience there seem to be a lot more families like that than families that can afford the luxury of only one of a pair working.
There are only a few of us? We'd best start recruiting so the bulk t-shirt order'll get cheaper...
One reason why I am a librariran, we are allowed to be a little quirky (not too much!). I wear my curls out and wear saddle shoes. I’m the quirkiest on my team. The others find me “interesting”. #curlyhairdontcare
I still think those crazy kids are going to end up getting back together.
You’re seriously comparing a cheater’s choice to betray their partner to peace in the Middle East? Human emotions are complex, but the choices that arise from those emotions are not. Humans are well equipped to rise above our base procreation instincts. Lying and cheating are BAD. I will make allowances for how people…
I don’t expect perfect behaviour but I do expect respectful behaviour. If you’re unhappy, talk to me. If you meet someone else, end our relationship immediately and respectfully. Don’t fuck around on the side while pretending everything is ok at home.