
They picked the right message. The others are too iffy. For instance, pointing out he’s a religious hypocrite? They all are, inside, as well; so too close to home. Suggesting Cruz might not be anti-gay enough is ridiculous - and also less popular than it used to be. Accusing him of not being presidential? He’s not

If they had simply come out with the “We understand the feeling, but we are making a game with the intent of containing the worst kinds of people” explanation, it would still be kinda gross but more understandable.

Ethan, ten minutes from now:

My mom uses them for soft-boiled eggs, but she’s old and British so...

We call them egg cups though. Sometimes they have little bunnies on them. We use them because we eat our soft boiled eggs hot. Out of the shell.

That is one ugly ass chair. 

Weak take, and it seems like you didn’t read the original report. A few of points:

It’s more like hiring regular people who like burgers and eat one or two of them a week vs exclusively hiring people on paleo diets who eat 20 or more burgers a month.

While I’d like to see these things improve, I’m skeptical that the nature of the games, combined with the nature of how anonymous people interact online, that the player base will never evolve beyond largely being a young sausage fest filled with people who get pissed off quickly.

I know some people who do HR work and they genuinely do care about the people they deal with and represent. It’s not an evil profession like a lot of people seem to think, they really are trying to help.

Came here to be cynical, critical, and maybe give a perfunctionary “It’s a start.” But that would all be largely redundant to the article and maybe too harsh? At least they do seem to be listening and maybe finally acknowledging the shortcomings in their leadership. Here’s to hoping it all comes to pass for a better

Later, the GOP tweeted out a sketch of Ted Cruz when he was a hottie.

A packaged rice+vermicelli pasta+seasoning mix, to which you add water and simmer. It’s not regional at all and is in grocery stores everywhere, alongside other packaged rice options or packaged mashed potatoes and etc, etc.

A. Neat, I learned something today.

When I was in college I got a 3 lb bag of gummy bears in the mail from my parents and ate the whole thing in a day. The first dump I took was clear. Like absolutely devoid of any color, dark or otherwise. I was terrified.

Even that makes more sense than this bullshit. At least some snakes nest underground, plus isn’t Hawaii snake-free? How would that guy even know?

Putting clothespins on power cords to save money by keeping electricity from escaping as waste is one of the stupidest fucking things I’ve ever heard. If people who believe this have kids that go to your kid’s school, you need to find your kid a new school.

Ideally we’d get dozens of articles about the victims and never hear the shooter’s name outside of police reports and courtrooms. It’s always the opposite.

Thats not a whole lot all things considered. Probably less than a busy fast food place has on hand for a crowded night. Also, the prize money would likely be delivered in check, not cash.