
It’s harmful to treat body weight as a willpower issue. When you can do a pretty decent job of predicting someone’s weight category based on their zip code, it’s time to stop pretending it’s about personal responsibility and instead address the societal reasons for it.

Only the elves in Rivendell know for sure.

The Rogue is in Diablo II, just as the Blood Raven enemy instead of a playable character.

I think the issue with that is that there’s tons of canonically brotherly relationships in popular fiction, but disproportionately fewer instances of romantic relationships between main male characters. A piece of media having 1. no gay representation and 2. barely any female representation is practically a recipe

How could you forget Spider-Man Cartoon Maker?!

You have to be smart enough to manage the entire mental load of your household, but not so smart that you earn more than your husband. Competent but still subservient. Smart enough to be desirable but not to the point where you’re a threat to the status quo.

This is an interesting question. I think it’s harder to tell because fandoms used to be smaller, and there’s less records from the zine days. Erik from Phantom of the Opera comes to mind. I’d say Sephiroth but I think the FFVII fandom really took off more Advent Children and other sequels.

I would’ve liked this article to talk more about the controversy from the books themselves, not just Goodkind’s personal drama. As a preteen girl without a lot of awareness of issues, just the way women characters were treated made me uncomfortable; it was pretty bad even for its time.

Gizmodo, sure, but I think io9 used to be better.

These suggestions aren’t helpful. Yeah, it would be better if everybody ate better and exercised, but telling them to go do that is totally ineffective. Going by the evidence, shaming people for their weight is a great way to encourage them to gain weight.

Personally, I liked the movie to some extent because it was weird. The Marvel movies are far better executed, but maybe the best criticism of them is how formulaic they are.

The dude responded to this by thanking you for your articulation? w t f. Maybe it’s just rose-colored glasses but I feel like the audience for this site has really gone downhill...

Okay, I see what you were thinking, but I copied it with that context in mind, knowing that it’s still sexist.

What makes you think that I missed that context?

how bout’ I acknowledge the brain inside the lady

I had a roommate for awhile who was either an MRA or Incel or someone who subscribed to that sort of stuff. He seemed alright at first, mostly stayed in his room and cleaned up after himself, but things went south quick. He talked about how hard it was to get a girlfriend, which, you know, dating can be rough. But

I don’t volunteer my geeky hobbies unless it naturally comes up in conversation -there’s been too many times where a fellow nerd has either quizzed me on my interests like they’re running down a checklist or expressed disbelief that I exist.

Right, I didn’t mean anything by it. Even in the larger cities, I think they’re fairly new.

They’re called “cloud kitchens” and they’re already around, but I’m sure there will be more of them in the future.

“As a little side note, if you compare the Undies suit and the Advanced suit, you may note that the Undies version’s butt is just a little bit perkier. Gotta know your audience.”