People have real problems in this world
People have real problems in this world
I didn’t play the original, but this game may hit the spot.
Yeah, I agree with some others that you probably aren’t gonna change their mind. Logical arguments don’t work well for certain issues. You could talk to them about what they’re doing to discourage abortions besides supporting anti-abortion laws. There’s usually some common ground there, and it’d be useful if more…
I mean, LW #1 can try to negotiate into some more middle ground, but at the end of the day it doesn’t seem like a big deal to me. Everyone has something they’re weird about. Learning to live with it, and reminding yourself of the things she similarly does for you, seems more practical than trying to get her to change.
6-10 generations ago? A large portion of white Americans could probably claim that.
I have to feel bad for LW #2's ex. Sounds like religion really messed her up, as it does a lot of women. But I agree with the Doc, this is lucky and the LW should date someone different. It’s generally a bad idea to have sex with someone if you can’t agree on how to handle a possible pregnancy, even worse if you…
I mean that’s both the premise of this article and what this article is doing.
“While I don’t support sexual harassment, can’t these women go solve it in a way that inconveniences me less?”
He’s done some pretty great work - like some others have said or implied, I think you may be too unfamiliar with his genres to really give his talent a fair judgement.
They have crusts sometimes! At least, it happened to me once. They were optional to buy in the school cafeteria when I was a kid.
Is there any point to an egg stand? Are they actually useful if you eat a lot of eggs? I think maybe I’ve seen them in British period shows but that’s about it.
Imo that isn’t a great analogy. People who don’t love LoL can still play it and identify how things work, it’s not like a chef who can’t taste the food they make. Riot is also so huge that there’s probably many jobs where someone isn’t directly working on League, and thus it matters less if they’re a huge fan.
I recommend introducing small, healthy changes to your diet and figuring out which ones you feel comfortable keeping forever. It’s very hard to stick with a super restrictive diet over a long time. The advice about calorie counting is good - better if you can keep doing it and meet a daily goal, but at least figure…
“But it’s for that very reason that it’s so disappointing when this incredible energy for justice is twisted and turned against itself, which is what many of us believe is happening in this case.”
I wonder if the number are skewed by creepy pedo dudes or the never-maturing dudebros who always target teens because women their age know better than to deal with their shit. Like the studies that show that men who sexually assault one woman are substantially more likely to sexually assault multiple women.
Yeah, idgi. If it’s just the 3x3 shape, a lot of brands do exactly the same thing.
Oh sure, it’s an entirely different case if you can agree on it and there’s no suspicion of malicious intent.
No, it’s not reasonable at all. If you suspect your partner of committing crimes against you, you should break up with them instead of practicing creepy and controlling behavior.
A lot of comments think she gave up on the relationship suddenly because she found someone else, which is possible for sure. But more often in my experience, someone puts a lot of effort into the relationship, voicing concerns, while the other person coasts. Then the first person initiates the breakup and the second…
I dunno, think about it from the other end;