“he has started checking daily on whether I’m taking my birth control”
“he has started checking daily on whether I’m taking my birth control”
on one hand, I agree. on the other, there’s an entire other ecosystem largely divorced from the world of traditional reporting that’s *actually* keeping him relevant, and I doubt that this post’s existence has much bearing on that. so in this particular instance, I figure why not make fun of this extremely 2018 farce…
Opening it with your thumb with the mouth away from you feels like the technique of someone who has either been handed a shaken up can too many times or has shaken up the can every time before giving it to someone else and knows payback is coming.
i’m floored. i wasn’t prepared for that many twists
Are you saying that this Malibu needs to be....retired?
I mean, I’m not a Bella Thorne fan, nor do I know who she is, but claiming that somehow she’s copying this other palette is like saying gap is copying ann taylor because they both sell crew cut t-shirts in black. This is a pretty standard palette layout and it’s not like the colors are identical or something. Come on.
I listened to that interview as it aired the first time, and King flat-out laughed at Kessler when he suggested the first amendment was under attack while holding a permit to demonstrate with David Duke near the White House. There were also many asides edited in to note that the research Kessler cited has been roundly…
I doubt it’s a popular opinion to express here, but I think someone who has chosen to make a living by thrusting themselves into the public eye should just learn to ignore rumors. I am a man so I don’t really necessarily have a horse in this race, but as a GAY man, if he had given the same reasoning for wanting to…
[Video game streamer] should [act like a competent adult]
One factor here is the risk of outlandish speculation on the basis of a mere coincidence of genders. For instance, there seems to be less worry (or risk) of speculation about romantic relationships with other male streamers. There’s a kind of implicit sexism in that bias, one that believes that a man and a woman can’t…
The only logical thing for Ninja to do is stop streaming altogether, because now I’m just going to assume he’s cheating on his wife with all the dudes he plays with.
So, he’s allowed to do whatever he wants to protect his sanity and the sanity of his family. And he’s absolutely right that if he streamed with women people would start stupid shipping rumors. That’s a huge part of stream-viewer culture. It sucks, but he didn’t make it that way.
However, that could change if…
Should people only be talking about the main plot of the movie and ignore all the sideplots or peripheral messages?
What an incredible defense. “White women didn’t majority vote in Trump. The majority of them couldn’t be bothered to do anything at all!”
I kinda hated reading #1, mostly because my first marriage ended in much the same way. Much as the author of that letter, my ex got super into fitness, made many unreasonable financial demands, and disliked that I liked to stay indoors instead of going out to party. I felt attacked in a way since I did not like those…
Oooh, sore-y. The correct response is, “What is Bartleby the Scrivener?” Bartleby the Scrivener.
Kinda like how Alex Trebek reads the answers in a voice that implies he knew it all along?
Best final stage? American Gladiators (original) or GTFO. Just an endless barrage of semi-fit people getting mutilated by the best of 1980's roid rage.