Jesus Christ Fahey we’ve got all these new Lays flavors and NOBODY’S TELLIN’ ME ABOUT ‘EM.
Hooray! Best of luck with your continued recovery, Fahey!
I am still eternally mad that he was not a romance option.
Are you endorsing Chloe’s slut-shaming because Kardashian is the target? I’m not defending Kim’s response, which was juvenile, but Chloe was being a sneak-dissing asshole and her comment definitely didn’t lack snark as she claimed.
If you are a girl and your spouse is a guy (and your friends are the respective genders) it could be guys just don’t talk about the beginning of relationships as much?
I do not usually comment here, but I MUST TELL SOMEONE.
CeraVe moisturizing cream (not the lotion). The one in the tub. You can get a pump for the tub one so you’re not sticking your hand in there all the time. I have super sensitive skin and it’s literally the only moisturizer that doesn’t do horrible things to my face.
The Dr Jart ceramindin cream is SO nice! (And so $$)
21. Marvin the Martian (5.0)
Pepe Le Pew is a rapist.
Seriously, Gossamer has to be known more widely than the two gangsters.
If you’re flying over Alaska, you’re probably going to Russia.
Sting Chameleon’s level is also changed if you play it after completing Launch Octopus’ stage. Parts of it get flooded, and it’s the only way to get the Heart Container. But the most common boss orders almost never have Chameleon before Octopus so this doesn’t get noticed much.
would be quite fitting for 2018 if the alt-right finally gets defeated by coming for the rick and morty fandom.
these are super rich ass people, maybe she baked the cake, took a pic of it, then stuffed it in a gold and diamond crusted cooler and strapped it to the back of flying monkeys who delivered it to Selena Gomez in short order.
I think she bakes
“Anyone that stayed on that boat was a fool.”
As someone who lives in Bachelorette Central (Nashville) and literally *just* witnessed a bachelorette party walk by my office window in East Nashville, I have it on good authority that Glamorous by Fergie and Pony by Ginuwine are favorites of any self-respecting bachelorette group.