
Yes. In the vast majority of cases, there are understandable reasons why this happens. A talk about those reasons is productive and doesn’t happen as often as it should. Assuming those reasons aren’t a concern, and assigning fault from there, is dangerous; it furthers the narrative that abortion-seeking women are

Okay, but you ignored every point I made about your own comments, and chose instead to reply to me with a soapbox about the hypocrisy of other people. Good luck with your crusade, I guess.

It sucks, but Jezebel at large isn’t my responsibility - only my own respectfully expressed opinions. I think the best thing you could do is walk away from the Internet for awhile. Replying defensively (in my experience) will only make it worse.

I understand your point, but have you considered whether it’s really worth making? The vast majority of abortions at this stage are done for reasons that are at the least sympathetic, and could be prevented with laws or care. She’s going to be on posters talking about the horrors of abortion by people who want to make

The thing is, punishing her isn’t likely to help the situation. Outlawing abortion doesn’t stop abortions; it results in kids with mothers who can’t provide for them, and women bleeding out in bathtubs. Everybody thinks what happened to the baby is terrible, but the better way to stop it is to find out why she did it

Exactly. How many people like Trump will win across the world before we start taking them seriously?

Back in the primary days, I saw a comment calling it “trickle-down equality.”

It’s one of my least favorite things about Jezebel.

I wouldn’t call Trump inevitable, but I think people are making a mistake by assuming he should’ve been easy to defeat and the Left has some kind of fundamental problem that prevented their victory. It’s supposed to be difficult for one party to win a third term presidency, and Trump simply took advantage of the

A poll being more accurate to the event makes sense to me. Events like the Comey investigation can move the numbers, plus Trump gained some of Johnson’s supporters as time moved on.

They’re not, but he’s an easy scapegoat to get clicks. Before election night, The Concourse had another article making fun of him for having the odds that low.

No, he’s 70.

There’s no obligation for you to put up with them, but I think it truly does help. A lot of rural white voters aren’t hateful on purpose - they’re just ignorant and perpetuating local beliefs based on hopelessness and never having interactions with the minorities they blame for their own problems. I’m not saying that

She would have to run and take office at 73.

Either Concourse or Deadspin, can’t remember which, claimed he was just a coward afraid of being wrong.

538 was totally wrong about Trump in the primaries, but they came off better than most pollsters in the end. They were giving Clinton a 70% chance and warning about her firewall when others were saying the election was over.

They’ll also have the death penalty...

I was gonna give them the benefit of the doubt until I saw the first comment he starred.

This is a little disappointing. I’d pay $5 or whatever just to experience the nostalgia. I really appreciate how many of my childhood games are on GOG.

The father in the cabin doesn’t know who Arnold is, plus Ford called his brother “Tommy” in that story about the dog. Which is pretty much a repeat of last night’s incident with the dog, now that I think about it.