
I wonder if he’ll lose his nose entirely by the next gen.

As it happens, I’m from Kentucky and I’m all about educating people on harmful Southern stereotypes, but you’re factually incorrect. Look at the link another commenter gave, and maybe try a 2 second google search before calling other people prejudiced and ignorant.

I’m not going to find the law for you, but look up the subject and there’s plenty of articles written about it.

It’s not exactly false - it’s just a law that nobody enforces.

A ton of schools require you to live on campus the first year or two unless you have a special situation.

And I could’ve found a worse reply.

So tired of politicians “helping women” in ways that hurt them for the sake of their own personal views.

A small subset of gamers and atheists pride themselves on telling uncomfortable truths that no one wants to say, based on perfect logic. In reality, they’re usually declaring an debatable opinion, and then anyone who disagrees is just a PC jerk/SJW who’s afraid of admitting the truth.

I’m suspicious of any attitude that lets me feel superior to 80% of the world without lifting a finger.

When religious men say similar things about atheists or agnostics, I’m equally disapproving.

I assume a lot of these commenters are pretty young. Most people grow out of “if only everyone in the world could be as logical as I am.”

As an atheist, I’d be better off if you stopped giving the rest of us a bad name.

There’s plenty of people who wake up before sunrise, especially in winter.

There’s plenty of people who wake up before sunrise, especially in winter.

I really like my life. I guess I took one step at a time, but there were some things my parents didn’t have that I knew I wanted.

By that logic, when you say people can’t use the words “sexist” or “racist” because it might make developers uncomfortable, you’re doing the exact same thing to a different group. You’re using “censorship” as a reason to silence people whose opinions you don’t agree with.

The Ancillary series by Leckie stands out imo. Plenty of stories that could be told there.

lol he learns to fight during the game. That’s the whole goddamn point, and this pic is apparently after he starts killing things with a machete. Looking forward to when you address everything else I said.

Farcry 3 and FF Tactics Advance immediately come to mind (depending on your definition of nerd,) as well as a recent, popular game with a certain secret ending I don’t want to spoil for anyone.

Nope. Maybe back when LoL had 2 young, skinny women instead of 20.

I wouldn’t say I hate it, but I probably won’t play Darkest Dungeon again. In the latter part of development some of the difficulty additions seemed way too arbitrary.