
I’m gonna try to be clearer. You seem to think that female gamers wanting developers to add diversity could lead to “censorship” because the developers wanted to put sexy women in their game, and that was their artistic vision.

It’s just weird that you’re treating the male demographic as original and part of their vision, but when they’re making it for the female demographic it’s because of self-censorship.

If you want to see a different video game critique series, you should stop complaining and make one. You’re probably too busy pissing and moaning in Internet forums, though.

Skinny JRPG men, male monsters, male children, huge guys with tons of muscle, nerds that aren’t in shape... I can list games if you want, but I can think of all those examples for men and not near as many cases for women.

Oops, guys, I forgot there were Real Feminist Problems still! Guess we have to fix all of those before we’re allowed to talk about video games.

There are waaaaaay more ugly men in video games than there are ugly women, and more male monsters as well. LoL is the cover image for a reason - they’ve made an effort, but last time I played, the ratio was pretty off.

Right?! Pretty sure boob size alone destroys this guy’s argument.

Okay, the point I was trying to make it that that original vision is “censored” just as much as anything that comes out nowadays. They wanted to market to a certain demographic. Now they’re marketing to a slightly different demographic. Why is one more okay than the other?

I did! It’d be nice if you could have a civil conversation with people who disagree with you, and maybe point out misunderstandings on either side, but this is a good reminder that I shouldn’t get my hopes up when it comes to the Internet.

You’re assuming that they live in some magical bubble where their vision is pure. Why do you think they’re making women in skimpy outfits in the first place? If it’s to attract horny guys, as is often true, they’re already being “censored” under that definition. You’re pretending that deviating from the standard is

It’s not censorship in any way. Developers have historically made games with sexy women wearing skimpy clothing mostly to appeal to male gamers - not out of any intrinsic artistic vision. If they deviate from that to appeal to female gamers who want multiple body types, that’s entirely their decision.

Sounds like a bummer for the GOG users.

Did you hear that, ladies?! It’s no big deal! We should all relax and be like this guy right here.

I’m curious if that means Weedle is supposed to be less common than Rattata. Doesn’t feel that way, at least where I live...

It boggles my mind that we have so many cases of professors being accused of sexual harassment who keep their tenured positions for years or decades, and yet a large number of people seem to think one complaint about a poor choice of words will destroy a career. It’s maybe true if the department wants to get rid of

It’s a little frustrating to me that we’re assuming the woman in letter #2 was telling a soft lie to get rid of the LW. Maybe she IS interested, and was being perfectly honest when she said she wasn’t ready for a relationship. Guy shouldn’t get his hopes up either way, though.

I don’t see how the TONYMOLY masks are a sale. They’re typically $9 on Amazon.

I don’t see how the TONYMOLY masks are a sale. They’re typically $9 on Amazon.

Yeah, I wish Jez’s articles were clearer when it came to legal matters.

She wasn’t terribly rude to Cecilia. It could’ve been just an emotional reaction instead of her trying to make a specific statement by being angry.

Women being treated as abnormal or unwelcome, feeling like they have to represent their gender, etc. are all reasons why many feel like they’re at a disadvantage. There’s meta reasons even if there aren’t physical ones. Cultural context matters - just look at Korea’s record in esports.