
Sleeping with people who aren’t you isn’t “bad stuff.” It sucks that someone you were interested in decided to get with someone else, but she didn’t owe you anything. This makes you sound really bad, like she considered you a friend and you were judging her the whole time just for not having sex with you.

I’ve been in a relationship for a bit longer, and two years of it was long distance. My warning bells are coming from the poster not having enough trust.

I’ve been in a somewhat similar position to guy #3. Just wait it out. The crush’s faults will start appearing, although it might take awhile, and you’ll realize how cool your wife is by comparison.

As soon as I read that letter, I knew there would be a dozen forever alone guys in the comments telling him to dump her immediately.

This doesn’t change my vote for Hillary; I’m not gonna ask a woman to cut off her husband based on a stranger’s unconfirmed accusations. I feel very bad for this woman, though. If it’s true, I can’t imagine what she’s going through.

Sorry, I obviously haven’t kept much track of that stuff. I’m not sure what you mean by recent, but it seemed like a lot of women were into him when I was in high school ten years ago.

I want to root for the kid, but it looks like he did none of his homework before throwing it up on the Internet. Maybe he’ll gain enough experience/fame to make something worthwhile after this fails.

I mostly agree, but sometimes it’s more egregious. Like when Pete can’t impress the Barbie in the video - he’s married to Jessica Simpson, so acting like he’s unattractive seems weird.

You got me! Misogyny and not properly respecting the liberal arts. EXACTLY THE SAME.

Nice article, but quoting a random, racist facebook user seems kind of unnecessary.

I’ve been wondering about this as well. Refusing to represent minorities is much different from not being progressive by going more diverse than the local population.

He would write another book and make all the money from it.

It’s very very unlikely. I’m not sure he would even take the job; he’s only in it now for the attention and book sales.

Good luck; you’ll be missed!

How is that missing your point, exactly? That guy is not as far away from Mila Kunis’ attractiveness level as you apparently think.

“That guy” is pretty attractive to a lot of women.

Can we stop lumping “STEM folks” together like that? There are plenty of us who appreciate music and the arts just fine, thanks.

Doesn’t make sense? Maybe from an artist’s perspective, but not finishing the books would be like throwing away money.

Out of curiosity, why would you naysay GOG? I’m sometimes diappointed in their game selection, but otherwise no complaints.

I know a couple of people who had their identities stolen somehow. Took absurd amounts of time to get it fixed.