
From the article:

That was in no way what he said. If someone makes an assumption that doesn’t match social expectations (being exclusive after one or two dates) and then throws a fit after over those assumptions, that’s a red flag. Lying was never advocated.

I was speaking of a hypothetical scenario; I’m in a monogamous engagement. Please don’t assume others disagree with you because they’re less virtuous. This is the current standard, like it or not, and it has nothing to do with a decrease in morality compared to previous generations.

I’d say that if he wasn’t already lying to a partner. Honesty is pretty crucial to making poly work.

That’s weird. Where do you draw the line with “dating?” If I got a cup of coffee with a guy for the first time, neither of us should expect total exclusivity. Announcing that you’re seeing other people on the first date before deciding on a second date just seems like jumping the gun. The right thing to do is to start

Fair enough. I didn’t watch the original trilogy until after the prequels came out, so there wasn’t much mystery for me.

I finally got un-greyed on another site and thought it would carry over to all of Gawker. So disappointed ;_;

When I was younger, a guy at work said something very similar to me; a few other coworkers told me it was no big deal, and I was too scared of the social/career ramifications to report it. For every guy who gets too harshly punished, you can bet there’s multiple ones that got away.

To be fair, I don’t think the Jez staff ever wanted this system. It’s the product of an ugly compromise.

I’m all for saying what you want without feeling like it needs to tow the party line. The problem is when you expect something from readers too. I’ve been trying to put my finger on when I lost faith in Jez, and I’m pretty sure it was right around that piece about the guy who fucked dolphins. There’s difficulties when

I thought that was the point; he’s an angry, confused teenager who has a crazy amount of power, and that’s a scary concept in itself. I’m sure he’ll come back next movie with his training complete and be much more like Vader than Anakin.

This author sounds weirdly uncomfortable being around poor people.

Alright, the movie makes no sense at all then. Eh.

I can’t see what you mean. Are you saying Maz’s planet (no idea what the name is) wasn’t in the Hosnian system?

I really liked the movie! It had its problems, but they were mostly problems common to the rest of the series. Abrams was a good fit.

Pretty sure it was in the same star system - there were 6-ish planets, and all but Maz’s were blown up in the first wave. I was more concerned about a giant laser shooting from an entirely different star system, but they said it was hyperspeed or something, so...

Welp, I’m excited. Pokemon meets Final Fantasy sounds amazing.

I’m in STEM, and completely disagree. The divide between people who like the show and those who don’t has nothing to do with arrogance and everything to do with having a sense of humor.

Haven’t tried it myself, but can’t you build a doghouse next to the bell?

Damn, Jim.