You left out HoMM3? :o
You left out HoMM3? :o
He sleeps right through it, I don’t even know how.
He sleeps right through it, I don’t even know how.
My partner and I have flexible schedules, so it’s no big deal. He’s also a lot less receptive to the alarm; it wakes me up pretty fast, but he’ll keep snoring through a giant beam of light right in his face. It also matters a lot how you angle the light, imo.
My partner and I have flexible schedules, so it’s no big deal. He’s also a lot less receptive to the alarm; it wakes…
Americans have a reputation for thinking they can do anything, but that means that when people fail for whatever reasons, it’s seen as their own fault. Religion is just an excuse to justify their “no handouts for women who had sex and deserve why they get” policy. If they wanted to be like Christ, they wouldn’t be…
I don’t think it’s sad to get turned on by that sort of thing; people mostly can’t help what they’re into. But when a game company feels it’s in their best financial interests to take out the porn, calling it censorship is ridiculous. It’s also gross to pretend it’s some noble cause when the “censorship” is over…
A lot of 13 year olds can look pretty mature. I know a couple women who were mistaken for much older when they were about that age.
Coming from the other perspective, they may have their reasons. I spent some time debating which family members should be invited to my wedding, and eventually decided that inviting all my first cousins was easier than choosing where to draw the line. There’s one I still don’t know if the name was right.
Eh, not all that shocking by pop video standards. The music is absolutely awful, though.
If she wants to be “respected for her mind” then maybe she should focus more on her music and not trying to have as ridiculous an image as possible.
Hope the refund goes through.
No. Not as a person. Some of her art, maybe, but I’m glad her stuff seems more adventurous than it used to be.
Same reason as her onions?
That’s all that needed to be said. Have to break it to you, commenters aren’t that scary.
I would buy consoles solely for the exclusives if they had backwards compatibility. I’m not gonna bother buying and keeping a console forever if I want to play my games without repurchasing.
To be fair, FFXII might’ve had drivable airships if the production hadn’t gone through those changes at the end.
There’s no clear reason to split it into parts aside from money. The original didn’t have enough content to justify multiple episodes, and while they could pad it out, the extended FFVII universe doesn’t make most people optimistic about that.
I’m not sure it’s a good idea to require anything, but if you’re letting your son know that you want to talk every now and then, it’d be rude if he didn’t answer his phone occasionally. The grades thing does sort of show a lack of trust, BUT I also know a ton of people who dropped out of college after a few semesters…
Flushable APPLICATOR. You aren’t supposed to flush the rest :/
Is this about the Tetris Attack comment? That’s a cool site, but the game had quite different gameplay.
I’m a gamer, you’re a politician with interests in games.