
Hunger Games doesn’t get a strong female character other than Katniss until the second book/movie (I guess you could maaaaaybe count Effie in the movie?) Avengers is criticized for having one woman with a group of five men. I’m in the early episodes, but Man in the High Castle has one - only one, in a cast full of men

That was the point of my comment. It’s not contrived. The scene is realistic and works on more than just the feminist level.

He doesn’t have to believe, but he shouldn’t be an ass anyway. And it wasn’t even his business. Even if they were going about it entirely wrong, it doesn’t give him the right to take over the conversation. I’m not sure why you would take issue with it being feminist - the conversation was great for characterization,

Do they actually think Kilgrave’s not terrible? I would’ve guessed they’re just non-con fans.

Ugh. The cop tried to take over a conversation that he wasn’t even invited to; I almost cheered when Trish shut him down. His skills were useful, and the other characters realized this, but that didn’t give him the right to act like he did. There were a million other ways he could’ve offered help without being a jerk.

Complaints about gameplay/graphics/plot points: Constructive criticism from consumers who want to work with the devs. Complaints about diversity: Disrespectful censorship from people who were never “real” fans.

I’m aware of that, and I really do want them there. It just adds up quickly.

A Dwayne Johnson gif?! I like you too.

The options you laid out were:

Spot on advice from the Dr., and if the second guy is really worried, he might ease his fears by reminding himselt that dating is supposed to be fun. Stopping for a minute to ask yourself if your partner is having a good time is a good thing to train yourself to do.

This is not good advice.

A mismatch in sexual desires is definitely a problem, and imo it’s more common than people think. Great that you’re working through it, though. Can’t believe the paranoia in the rest of the thread.

I’m a little uncomfortable with the number of people in my bridal party, but I have a big family and my fiance also has sisters/close female friends.

Yeah, I’m getting married soon and I sure hope it doesn’t suck for them. I’m paying for the dresses, giving a bunch of style options, etc.

Link? I have no idea what is happening rn

With an obvious case like this, it sounds like a bigger problem that the department/university would choose not to have your husband’s back.

Because people who disagree with you must not know all the facts, huh? This comment is disappointing.

Also as an atheist from the Bible Belt, I think she’s making the situation worse for everyone. It’s a joke religion with joke rules. When she demands that people play along with her joke, it makes it harder for real religions to be taken seriously. The first Pastafarians were making the point that you can’t give

Man, just reading this made me anxious. This is why I quit League. I even joined the Tribunal to try and make it better, but the punishments for stuff like this (at least back then) were slight/non-existent.

There are similar things happening at Purdue. Kinda hoping the Mitch Daniels email shows up somewhere on Gawker.