I’m honestly curious - do you hang out alone with men without your wife? I can understand couples who do everything together, to a degree, but the idea of having guy buddies and no female friends seems very old-fashioned.
I’m honestly curious - do you hang out alone with men without your wife? I can understand couples who do everything together, to a degree, but the idea of having guy buddies and no female friends seems very old-fashioned.
Steve Jobs was good, though. It’s been well-received by critics, and audience ratings are fairly high too.
You outright said that anyone who supports Anita will bring out the pitchforks for anyone who criticizes what she does. I’m used to that kind of rhetoric as well, but you shouldn’t pretend to be on the high ground after insulting an entire group of people like that.
Still not my experience, at all. I feel like this is the kind of thing people who dislike Anita and feminists will say, even though it doesn’t happen, and certainly doesn’t happen “often.” If you feel like you’re being attacked, it’s probably because you’re not being clear that you are criticizing the media and not…
I almost starred the original comment because I thought it was sarcasm at first.
Noooope. I’ve seen plenty of people, including myself, say negative things about Anita’s criticism without getting hate for it. There are a ton of feminists who don’t like her series but still dislike the people harassing her. If you honestly believe this, I don’t know what to tell you, but the reality is different.
S/he sounds perfectly calm to me, and this is an issue worth being passionate about. It’s nice that you’re having fun here, but if you truly want people to be happier, it might be worth trying to be less condescending.
IMO, if she feels like getting her story told is worth the harassment, more power to her. People shouldn’t feel like they have to be silent about any kind of sexism just because of the stir it’ll cause.
It’s worrisome that there is a person on the other end of this comment who sees nothing wrong with keeping tabs on this woman’s dating life.
Certainly not the majority, but enough that I wouldn’t say “occasionally an exception.” Pretty much everywhere requires general eds that aren’t useful. Depending on how specialized your degree is, and the size of the college, you might not have the opportunity to avoid professors with bad reputations even in your…
Wooooow. I remember everybody complaining on the boards when it happened.
The disclaimer is still useless, though.
That’s assuming you’re paying for the knowledge you’ll gain in class, and not the credit that’ll allow you to graduate. Some classes don’t reward you for attendance and won’t teach you anything you’ll ever need.
There’s so much wrong with the system. I know a ton of bad professors who will always be there because of how much research money they bring in. Advisors who promise the degree you’ll get from their department is useful (it’s often not.) Athletes who are given specialized courses and tutoring so they can meet the bare…
Literally no one claimed that women have no agency; you’re doing a strawman here.
Also, it’s not in any way insulting to say that some women choose to stay at home because of sexism. If people are treated badly for making a particular choice, they are less likely to make that choice. It’s a simple concept to grasp. Nobody ever claimed that sexism is responsible for *every* women’s decision.
No, we don’t understand that, that’s some weird thing that you’re asserting. Sexism plays a role in women’s decisions regardless of where they’re from. If you’re determined to deny that, I don’t think there’s anything else to talk about.
It’s at least as ridiculous to pretend society’s expectations have nothing to do with any woman’s choice to stay at home, though.
That’s the point. I’m not claiming that my experiences are the end of the discussion. And neither is “they choose to quit.”
Okay. When you say, “the problem is such and such,” you appear to be speaking from a position of authority. I was simply pointing out that you aren’t; in order to qualify for that authority, you should probably have statistics, a larger sample size, etc. In MY experience, the problem is sexism.