Sweet Caroline

As Will admitted to Jack that he wanted to run away with Hannibal, I swear to God his stage directions said, "Will almost says he loves Hannibal, but catches himself." It was never subtle, but Jesus it's just so overt now.


I'm kind of really liking what they're setting up Alana's arc to be? It's not gross "woman scorned" territory, but more like "you tore apart my family and I'm doing this for myself." It is sad to see how much Will and Alana's relationship has diminished. There's nothing between them whatsoever.

Girl was looking fierce!

Thoughts on this episode:
-"Dr. Lecter got deeper inside you than he did any of us." AHAHAHAHA, STOP. Guys, Hannibal made a dick joke.
-Chilton, you sexy motherfucker! Glad you're back.
-Mason Verger looks/sounds like a turtle Voldemort.
-Dear Lord, the way they shot and framed Caroline Dhavernas was effective. Alana

"The world would be a better place if everyone approached things with the same awe and wonder as black dudes approach magic tricks."

That werewolf is turning into Samuel L. Jackson!

At least Elisabeth Moss pretty consistently chooses good projects.

He does have experience with blackface.

I lost it in episode two with the photograph of young Hanni that Pazzi gave to Will. He looks like a damn marble sculpture.

He just oozes sex, and he's classy as fuck. I mean, who else could pull off that plaid and paisley combo??

I guess it kind of buys into that myth that virginity loss for women has to be super painful? Like how some will say, "Oh yeah, completely normal to bleed profusely after having sex for the first time."

I have gotten into so many heated arguments with people about whether Mads Mikkelsen is attractive and it basically amounts to me holding my phone really close to people's faces, saying, "See? See??"

If it turns out that it was all just a dream, I wouldn't even be upset.

That sounds amazing.

"Tastes like chicken!"

I think Fuller does a pretty decent job of incorporating diversity without resorting to stereotypes. I appreciated Margot being a very feminine lesbian rather than a butch Subaru-driving man-hater, as is too often depicted in fiction. He makes changes/adds to the source material when possible, which I appreciate

I guess they're forced to improvise with the food the prison system grants them.

We all make mistakes.

I don't know, but he still looks damn good.