Sweet Caroline

Something something Sweeney Todd

The way Bedelia slunk into the water after completely killing it.


"Hey, make sure you blur the asses on those Botticellis!"

Yeah, they kind of seem to use her only when someone needs to inject a situation with some attitude. I wish she had more to do, though I do love her banter with Black Cindy.

Actual line from That Book: "'Argh!' I cry as I feel a weird pinching sensation deep inside me as he rips through my virginity."

In my mind, Suzanne is a grown-up, AU Tina Belcher.

Not really sure how I feel about Norma Gaius Baltar-ing it up with her cult in the prison.


Whenever I need to feel something, I watch this. People who refuse to watch animated movies seriously miss out. What a beautiful, tragic film.

I really wanted to try one of the frito-pea snacks she made.

They should walk the Plank.

I'll raise you a Hannibal.

That would be amazing.


I love Abbi pulling the O.J. card for number one on her Gross Sex List. "Dude, in his day, he was a solid man."

Whedon's always been a little weird with dealing with fertility/pregnancy. Like when Cordelia was impregnated against her will not once, but twice.

Peg-osaurus 2: The Bone Age

Two-three-kick-turn! Turn-turn-kick-snap!

Even after The Twilight Saga: Eclipse?