Sweet Caroline

That's not how any of this works

"No you!"
-Shia LaBeouf
(I tried to stop myself.)

Nick very well deserves your hatred. It's angering the complacency they've adopted towards an addition to what is arguably their most beloved and critically acclaimed franchise. They blatantly disregard the hard work of the creators, the accomplishment of the show itself, and the love and dedication of the fans.

So what we've learned is that Scarlett Johansson is an alien robot. (For what other reason would she be considered for Ghost in the Shell, HM?)

Worst treatment of a show by a network: Legend of Korra, Nickelodeon.

Pitch, Please!

We'll get there in the comments sections of the Bill Cosby rape articles, don't you worry.


I liked how you used "Haha" to reinforce your use of the term "laughably." You're on your way, pal.

Soon the background will be pink and no one will be allowed to say dick jokes DAMN LIBERAL AGENDA

I would venture to say the early seasons' more techy portrayal of Willow was much less problematic than season six's Psycho Lesbian Willow.

"Hello? The caterers didn't show up. I used the club. They said we owe them too much money. I guess all those lunches… I've got 50 people coming in three hours and nothing to feed them. No one to serve it. We have to make a good impression or we're finished."

Based on the picture above, it seems these pseudo-human lifeforms are now masquerading as adults by donning black clothing and glasses. Tread carefully everyone… They only move in one direction - the direction that points toward the DESTRUCTION OF HUMANITY.

Just… what the fuck, Internet.

I'll have to try that sometime. Usually the only thing that follows me around the room is crippling self-hatred, so that would make for a nice change of pace.

American Horror Story: In Spaaaace where the fuck

I was under the impression that vaginas rendered those of the female flavor incapable of withholding large amounts of power? Aren't they like black holes into which all fun vanishes? That's why you can't look at one directly?

It's a testament to how much Korra has grown as a character that it's so difficult to watch Kuvira beat up on her.

The egocentric genius with a developing conscience? That'll do it. Also, his character design.

I have Dikachu's autograph. It's stayed moist since that fateful day. I find I can't sleep without it.