Sweet Caroline

HEY NOW. Women have incestuous thoughts too!

The A.V. Club
kissing and naked together


Bond slaps on aftershave. Screams.

"And that, kids, is how I killed your Aunt Robin."

How We Watched in Horror as Your Uncle Ted Met Your Birth Mother, Waited Till She Died, and Went to Save Your Aunt Robin from a Loneliness that Accompanies Only those Women that Do Not Accept the Declarations of Love from the Aforementioned Nice Guy

The answer's in his follow-up single, I Like It.

It's a heavy burden.

The saddest part is, white men never asked for this! Why should they be punished? Why, I repeat emphatically!

Robin Thicke can be blamed for your late twenties and early thirties. He can be blamed for everything.

They've suffered for so long!

It's… the… WHEEL OF MISFORTUNE! What will Robin Thicke fiiiinally be arrested for? Plagiarism? Drugs? Rape? Murder? It's just a spin away! It's just a spin awaaayyyy!


The A.V. Club

I used to be obsessed with the more recent version of The Producers. I made my parents watch it over and over with me.

I used to be obsessed with the more recent version of The Producers. I made my parents watch it over and over with me.

I think it's sort of like, "Man I hate that one Andy Warhol painting that was really just the other Andy Warhol painting with the colors inverted. God, they were so SIMILAR. Pffftttt."

"Say Anything's Max Bemis on why he doesn't know why he hates Nirvana's 'Rape Me'"

"I'm Doug Dimmadome, owner of the negative dimmadome!"

"The… best episode of the season… The writers… know what they're doing… The show is… perfect… as a whole."
-Scott Von Doviak