Sweet Caroline

He could've been a (battle)STAR.

That's a safe choice.

I always felt the Billy and Dee relationship was underrated. They were adorable.

She longed for the deep void of space


Adama and Roslin, dude. ADAMA AND ROSLIN. FOREVER.

It frightens me that school is the highlight of your week. Also that you used three question marks and four exclamation points in one post.


He's tired because he cares.

The AV Club
Actual, legally unambiguous babykilling

The one thing I had left to look forward to in this world!

I watched The Host on Netflix and it was kinda the worst in the best way possible. It's probably bad to say that I enjoyed every cringe-inducing moment in that thing.

Would you say… the brains have been sucked out of zombie movies?

YOU BETRAY THE WORLD ORDER OF OBAMA, COMRADE. *REPORTED ON BASIS OF TERRORISM* on unrelated note~~**I make $27.388 an hour by going to… _ I make $5499.99 a week!

Put a Cap on it, will ya?

The church I've been going to recently baptized a lesbian couple's child last week. It's astounding that this church (with a female pastor, no less) exists like five miles away that doesn't allow women deacons because "they're not recognized in the eyes of the Lord," or some shit.


This is the point where you can get off or continue with the ride and whoop with laughter as the world burns.

I read that as "from Jon and Kate" and dear Lord would I want to see that movie.

I'm surprised the world survived that sentence's existence.

Great use of his acting ability or greatest use?