Mary, Queen of Scoffs

Same! I can’t remember the name of it, but I read a book a few years ago that was about the use of a robot to control all the functions of a hospital. It went haywire and started killing people (mechanical beds folding up while people were in them, etc.).

probably but would want to see mad stats first and make sure the robot did not have a jack and coke beforehand because, you know, you don’t want a drunk robot doing surgery.

I’ve a nightmare buried deep about this, and I’m going to leave it there.

Hospitals in Fresno are Richie’s windowless van, but the have all the tequila you can drink.  

Ladies, no. Peter Parker had many a run in with this and it did not go well!

Fuck. That. Last thing I need is some robot giving me a mechanical snatch, turning my G spot into a 4G spot and having people pirate Game of Thrones through my hoo ha.

Uh no. That looks like an Imperial Interrogation Droid. I’d rather have this robot be my ObGyn, and that says enough, amiright ladies? Chroon-Tan-B or gtfo. That’s what I say.

That looks soothing and trustworthy- what happens when the doctor/pilot has a medical emergency, like a heart attack or seizure in mid-operation, and flops forward on all the controls like Captain Oveur in Airplane?

Let’s just hope there’s nothing wrong with da Vinci’s code

Elle Woods would NEVER defraud a fellow Delta Nu. She just wouldn’t! She has a great moral compass.

it’s probably already possible to make reasonable guesses... of course, that won’t work every time...

There are some people who have made bad violent decisions  who are should be rehabilitable too. But yeah the difficulty is knowing which people are.

The problem seems to be there is little to no actual attempt at rehabilitation. If prison is just punishment it becomes more necessary to keep certain violent criminals even ones who haven’t murdered yet in prison for life. Which should not be what we are aiming for.

I look forward to seeing how he looks with short hair, horn-rimmed glasses, and a sweater vest.

You don’t need genitals to sexually assault’s about power, and in this case a truly broken psyche.

I am glad he got caught now let’s hope they keep him in jail and the judge do not end saying “well, he has not killed anyone, he just raped some women and wrote something on a notebook about killing females, I bet he has a brilliant future as a fictional writer...”

Looks like what we’ve got here is a budding serial killer.

One of the notebooks allegedly contained an index page which “listed the interests of the women that Cook was pursuing, what he would do with them, and one column simply marked, ‘kill.’”

Barry Allen having to be constantly reminded that “you can run real fast, Barry” is the second most annoying part of the Cisco Ramone Show.

Fun AND a main character that doesn’t make horrible decisions. Weird.