
All true and truly depressing. Another thing he did that galls me was promise to allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military, only to do an about-face the moment he was in office.

Now playing

Yeah, the crime bill Bernie voted for because it included the Violence Against Women Act, the one he pushed hard to change because he predicted at the time it would lead to mass incarceration. That crime bill.

Oh yeah, apparently, and I guess there’s no alternative for Democrats than to vote for their eventual candidate. But I hope everyone who wasn’t alive then, or who just didn’t know, at least educates themselves about what happened with the killing of Ricky Ray Rector.

Jezebel also refuses to address issues with Hillary like Haiti, Honduras, and her strong encouragment of fracking overseas (especially in Bulgaria) while she was Secretary of State. In fact, the only people regularly calling her on it are Mother Jones and the Intercept (with WaPo surprisingly going after her for Haiti

We got to get in line, and be grateful that the Clinton’s aren’t Trump though.

But it’s not just that. We could start at the beginning, and recall that Bill Clinton got elected by forcing the execution of a severely mentally handicapped man (mental age of approximately five) in order to prove to white people that he was not soft on either crime or black people. That alone turns my stomach, but

Yet your dumbass would be up in arms (and justifiably so) if Trump, Cruz, or Sanders had said that racist condescending shit. How does it feel to not have principals and only be a political hack.


Basic truth: Clinton is more qualified than Sanders at being the commander-in-chief. The only thing Sanders is better at is being liberal. Sanders would give us social democratic policies. He’d be crappier at leveraging political power through bargains with the corporate class and the Republican Party.

It’s absolutely on a scale where I can judge you. Watch.

I love it that you think this is some sort of new low in civility.

Hillary’s new slogan options:

Sanders got my vote as soon as he promised to send any white person who says “YAS QUEEN!” to Guantanamo.

I used to say that during swim class, then they made me stop watching the girl’s swim class from the fence.

That’s not even the quote.

For people who are going to get you the Presidency? Sounds like a bargain.

You’re seriously demented... you think Devine Mulvey Longbaugh consists of three people working from home via their macbooks. I guess they do their own xeroxing too.

Um, A campaign has to pay consultancies, you fuck knuckle. The money was paid to Devine Mulvey Longbaugh. You think that’s one person? You think the CEO of Apple takes home what Apple earns?

Jesus Ballot-frauding Christ in Connecticut, the comments on here.

Sanders notes that donations to his campaign average around $27 per person. And when he holds events, tickets cost “$15 or $50.” As a “self-described democratic socialist” relying on small donations rather than super-PACs is a fundamental part of his campaign ideology.