Marxist Materialist

The monopoly stage of capitalism leads to imperialism, aka war, so this shouldn't be hard to do

Shilling to stoners and white supremacists for votes?

I heard it explained as such: these creationist engineers are intelligent people who like science, but avoid the parts of science that challenge their personal beliefs (astronomy, biology, geology)

I watched a show with a guy like that, it was followed by a nation of Islam show and professional disc golf footage

My good friend was just drugged and raped, and then treated like shit by the cops, then they took her kids away because the cops found weed at the scene of her rape

It's good CK is going to bat for his friends and their families.

This part should get all the yup votes

I would adapt so I wouldn't offend people, because I'm a decent person, or "bloke"

Almost as if different dialects exist or something

As much as big industrialists complain about the state (read: social programs), they love them the state power necessary to maintain private property relations. Which is why they usually love fascists like Pinochet.

Killing thousands upon thousands of innocent people is mad, which is what Reagan did. Their chief crimes: land redistribution of foreign owned agriculture for local use, and wanted a representative, Democratic government

And the sick thing is, the US/NATO were the aggressors the entire time. The Cuban Missile Crisis happened because the US put nukes in Turkey. Stalin wanted to leave the question of Germany joining up to a vote. All the while, the US was going around invading country after country and trying it's best to develop an

You're right no one should ever stand up for themselves, only the belligerent and callous should speak

Really their first 4 albums were all good examples of the genre and fun to listen to

Imprisons them en masse with neo-jim crow laws like "three strike," fight to suppress rising wages, defund social programs, attack their right to vote, deny pervasive structural racism and attack affirmative action, applauds racist killer cops and vigilantes, attack Obama because he's a black man with a non-Anglo name

Class interest is machine-level code

Nope. His views were always borderline fascist. I doubt he would have objected to any war crimes

What in the world makes you trust the United States government? Drone bombings? Torture? The biggest prison population in human history? The astoundingly corrupt and racist criminal justice system? Rape culture? Domestic spying?

What can we say, Conway Twitty's cross-generational influence will be felt for decades to come.

Abolish Israel imo