Marxist Materialist

It's not my logic, it's criminological/psychological logic. This is all confirmed by studies done on rapists. I recommend Human Sexual Development by Dr. Bruce King. There hadn't been a strong link between playing violent games and causing violence, but there is a scientifically established link between rape culture

I don't really like Chompsky, but I've met a bunch of black nationalists who care about it.

That's kind of a "Iraq has WMDs" cold war equivalent. There have been famines in China since long before the bad policy of Mao, policies that go beyond one man. Let's not tread into the "great man of history" fallacy and recognize that policy is socialism is as complicated as it is in capitalism. Often times, Mao was

All states are dictatorships. Even western liberal democracy is ultimately beholden to the needs of capital and it's embodiment in the capitalist class. At best, oppressed classes win concessions. We have a dictatorship of the bourgeoise.

We tried, but she overpowered us.

It's been a while since I watched, so my memory may be wrong, but I caught an episode during the war crimes NATO committed against the people of Libya to break the back of pan-Africanism, and it was toeing the imperialist line about Gadaffi and the Libyan government being the new Hitler.

Every time I watch Danny Devito hit the bong and demand Kaitlin Olson download him a hoagie, I want to smoke with him.

Yeah its a funny show, and he's not as bad as the daily show chearleading US imperialism—I mean, humanitarian intervention—because a Not Republican is doing it

He does, and is. Intent doesn't matter as much as material impact. Telling rape jokes to a mixed audience of a few dozen people ensures that 1) there is a predator in the audience who is validated by the joke and 2) there are the survivors who may be triggered by the joke. 20-25% of women have been victimized by

Thanks, Obama

Also, the Lawyer was a great adversary for the gang. "Ok. What are you people doing in my car?"

Metallica's first for albums are solid

What's… denahom caikn?

Yup. I don't really watch anymore, on account of me being burnt out on liberals, but his set up on that show allows for much more freedom.

Neither show is good

Tosh is a really terrible person. He's not funny, he just picks the low hanging fruit.

Yeah at first I was a little taken abake by it, but after repeated viewings I've come to really enjoy the film. I really respect the heroine, who, like Ripley, was not a soldier. She was just trying to do her job and had to suddenly survive a cluster fuck of a situation, one made far, far worse by people.

"It is a recent tradition, only 18 years old, but it is a tradition nonetheless."

That's great, I miss it. It really made me less if a new atheist and more of a regular human.

Ah, thanks for the insight. I read the Slacktivist years ago. It was both funny and insightful to read a liberal evangelical analysis of why Left Behind is heretical.