
Glad you noticed the segregated school part. Definitely a huge problem in this country.

….Or become a professional yourself by leveraging all the connections you made. She seems like she'd end up at a PR firm in LA.

Jayde ordering the Snapper and the Snake Bean salad when Van just ordered the Pad Thai, said so much about how much they feel comfortable spending.

"two mutual friends who can’t bear to admit that they love each other but don’t like each other" This is a nice allusion to Tracey Ellis-Ross' character on Broad City.

I was wondering if the swingers group would have a problem with the swastika tattooed on his butt when he was in prison (to all my "Oz" fans).

I'm getting the impression that, now that they have a bigger budget and an HBO audience, we'll be seeing a bit more diversity in the stories. In either case, this show is probably the best example of a visual vignette I've ever seen.

It seems more authentic that they're smoking pot constantly, it's like coffee for some people. You also need to keep in mind, when you live in a place where actual crime is an issue, the police are far less concerned about people smoking pot publicly.

I read "Q_Q" as "Qwai" i.e. "cry"

Something that's driven me crazy as a lawyer is that it's a general rule to NOT use oxford commas in contracts. It's somewhat maddening.

I knew back pain was a problem when my dad, an overweight man known for his love of eating, dropped like 100 lbs after a few months of being bedridden from a slipped-disc.

As many others have said, the novela La Reina del Sur on Netflix is absolutely amazing and great TV. Watching this I found myself missing many of the aspects of Reina del Sur that really established Teresa's character.

As a somewhat junior corporate lawyer, it's very interesting to see how the show handles things I'd normally be working on behind the scenes namely the board meetings. I'll generally just draft written resolutions or minutes of a board meeting, and have everyone sign the resolutions to say "this is what we agree

I vote we start referring to every hotep and/or people obsessed with the 90s as a "Jamaal"

You're thinking of DJ Waka Waka Flame da Arsonist.

I'm not sure if her or her daughter is prettier, that's pretty telling. Time to watch A Different World re-runs.

No you're right, I didn't even give him full credit. He split with her before he got the new contract, thus keeping all that new money for his-savvy self.

And give Russ some credit too, he divorced his white wife right after he signed a new contract, and then promptly got with Ciara……

"I could understand if you lost yo bitch to a real n***a like T.I. I'd be like hey that's T.I." -Riley Freeman describing the problem with Russ.

It's fun watching otherwise (misguided but otherwise) well meaning white Republicans flip out when they realize Trump is stoking the coals of white resentment like it wasn't already happening.

Whenever someone tries to sell me utopian leftist ideals, I think back to "Native Son" by Richard Wright.