
"Bill, we're going to have to let you go. So that you don't sue us we'll pay you $15M plus the remainder due on your contract. It was great working with you." I'm sure this is how the conversation went.

Well technically no, you could just brake against an atmosphere like they do in Red Mars, but I mean that you'd essentially be coasting for most of the trip in micro-gravity. It meant it'd take a significant amount of time to cross the solar system and ships were often designed to have sections which were in spin

Heil mein grammar fuhrer!

It's also funny given that her name is still Ade, and she was clearly Nigerian in the book. I'm not complaining, the cast is plenty diverse, just confused why they decided to keep the name but change the character.

I mean maybe, I thought it was a budget thing at first too. Depends on how they show the battle, but I certainly don't think they'll have a mech like in the book!

I'm pretty sure one of the authors revealed at ComicCon or something, that what Ade was going to say is she was having an affair with Shed (the medic from the first four episodes). I can't find the source currently.

I can understand why people crossdress after seeing her.

On SyFy's expanse podcast (The Churn), they were saying this was a deliberate departure from the book. In the book we saw the entire scene unfold and had a clear idea but here, since Bobbie is traumatized, we're going to have the event slowly revealed to us.

As a hardcore player of Transhuman Space, a game where ships could only accelerate/deccelerate at the start and finish of their trips (and which made space piracy pretty rare as a result), the significance of constant thrust on travel times is pretty great. Especially given how high-g the thrusts can be.

Avasarala is always the total badass. If the Earth is going to die, she'll remain behind to die with it unlike the others in the UN who all fled off planet. I'm interested in how this will be tested in the coming episodes (and hopefully seasons!).

Right, that's a great point! I just mean in the space between book 1 and book 2, it's implied that he's destroyed some ships while working for his benefactor (don't want to spoil anything).

It's an interesting contrast to the books, where it's sort of implied Holden has been in situations where he's had to destroy other ships but it was something that happened during downtime in the narrative. He's mostly portrayed as being 100% for transparency in the first two books, so it's an interesting choice to

Yes, but like the stealth ships they *appear* to be MCRN controlled.

I agree, I think the change to Millers character and the reason the timer needed to be held down worked significantly better.

I figured the ship would appear fairly large even if it was 1000s of kilometers away, so I assumed it was really moving at an insanely fast speed, it was just far enough away not to seem that way.

Great character development around how Holden's circumstances have changed so much from last season. This time last season he was aboard the Knight, believing that the Canterbury had been destroyed by Martian stealth ships that were trying to suppress the truth.

I'm in the same place as you, I'm holding off reading book 3 until I get a chance to read through at least one of the Expanse books.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was my favorite Narnia book, so I'm hoping they follow the plot of the Magician King at least somewhat.

I just Milo Yianna-daba-ding-dong-opolous isn't racist then.

Wasn't John Brown the white guy who started a slave revolt?