
Picking being white over being Christian is some amazing ish though. They picked an aging billionaire playboy/Michael Douglass from Wall Street over a gramma sunday school teacher.

While you may be right, you're also no fun for that.

Kwanzaa, based on how I celebrated it as a kid, only really makes sense to celebrate when you have younger children. It's a good way to impart somewhat nebulous principles to them at an early age, and it's a good reminder when you get older that things like cooperative economics and self-determination are important.

Corned beef sandwich with mad spicy mustard. Like you basically pour mustard on each part you're about to eat. So lit-ting-ton.

I'm an atheist, but I think the line from Snow Crash gets at the arrogance of lots of atheists. "Ninety-nine percent of everything that goes on in most Christian churches has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual religion. Intelligent people all notice this sooner or later, and they conclude that the entire one

Black men don't cry, we play the saxophone.

Seriously where can I get this?

You can even see it in certain professions, there's basically two types of law firms ones with WASPy names (Sullivan & Cromwell or Cadwalader, Wickersham, Taft) and there's firms with Jewish names (Kramer Levin or Katten Muchin Rosenman). The reason for the divide, is that most Jewish lawyers in the 50s and 60s

For what it's worth, as a Senator, I'd say nearly everyone other than the President and Vice-President (and maybe SCOTUS) is "beneath" him.

The RNC convention.

I should preface that by saying "after the primary." My views on her during the primary were much less rosy.

I think a better approach is generally to present a character having a stereotype, and then having them try to act on that stereotype and having it subverted. That seems the general approach in American TV that often works best.

I don't know, people took the "1 drop" laws pretty seriously back in the day, hence us even having terms like "octaroon" for a person who was an 1/8th black.

It's just locker room talk.

Basically. She wasn't really lying when she said there was a vast right wing conspiracy against her. I couldn't actually come up with a reason why I was opposed to her, other than that she was more Obama/Clinton than Sanders/Warren.

You can extrapolate quite a bit from that.

I mean in fairness, she probably uses that approach to hit-it-and-quit-it with the guys she picks up at East Village bars. She's going places, she ain't trying to be tied down.

It'd be funny if there was a word like "quadroon" or "octaroon" for someone who was 1/64 black.

I find that, though less common, white men dating black women tends to be viewed as less objectionable than the way other way around….. though I guess it really depends on who the third-party viewer is.

This is not to challenge you, but an honest question: If it's a common belief among black men who date non-black women that they're meek and docile (and this is definitely a VERY prominent belief), how could they have portrayed that honestly?