
I remember thinking "wow I can't even remember what my exes looked like naked, this guy is a genius." I'd much prefer to fantasize about sex I already had rather than getting jaded watching weird sex I'm never going to have.

Honorable Mention: We've watched Django Unchained, or the "N***a Moment" Boondocks episode together, and you didn't feel uncomfortable.

"Look, you guys really eat a lot of bread and that's cool, what's not cool is leaving it in a box on your counter. You need to put it in the fridge."

When did "boo" fall out of favor?

It requires a lot of grinding, but it's good to play if your friends are also playing it.

At home playing Call of Duty, what woman is going to respect a man with a low kill/death ratio?

I used to tutor other students in college, and I remember one girl said she typed her papers on her sidekick because she'd used her money for it instead of a computer. Jersey…..

Any black man who's educated, tall, makes a good salary and is fit is almost certainly going to think he's the second coming of Malcolm X (or the business equivalent of that). If he's single it's definitely by choice or he really really really loves Jesus.

I don't get how a guy from the bricks would ever want to live in Staten Island, but whatever, he still reps Jersey hard and frequented the QuickCheck near where I lived.

"I love a fat chick with a body enormous/
It ain't about the weight yo it's how they performin"

Who hurt you? Wu-Tang is for the kids, and above roasting.

I realized what that line meant 5 years after I was already a fan of the song. I think rapgenius is making hip-hop fans lazy.

These shows are about as similar as Empire and Power, which is to see, only on the surface.

I remember talking to fellow grad student when we were both in our early 20s, and she (being pretty and from Miami) said she'd never actually paid for a drink at a bar. I thought that was a little mind boggling.

I imagine you went to RU around the same time I did (Rutgers College '09, last through the Gates). I get the sense that Dr. Khan (and his program, I think it was called Oasis?) was largely responsible for creating half the Black STEM majors in NJ.

The RU Screw allowed white people to experience what being black was like if for only a moment.

Like I get it, if you're young, have nothing of material importance to offer, and are swaggerless. That's probably more your issue, so either get something more to offer or listen to more Dipset.

Does being friendzoned happen to guys after a certain age? I feel like this is an early 20s problem since most guys get their confidence growth spurt eventually.

I was talking to my fiance about this in the car the other week like "Beyonce is good, but is she good for the culture?" No question, she's good for the culture.

You know you channeled hotep-level crazy a bit too well when you get this response. To be clear, it's a joke.