
No shade to dog-lovers, but no cat has been ever trained by the Man to attack people of color. That's why my hotep ancestors worshiped them in Egypt.

You climaxed, got checked for cancer, and it's only a $20 copay? You feel like you got a good deal!

I think it's on being the receiving end specifically that the weird feelings come from. I think it's safe to say most men are very uncomfortable with the idea of anything penetrating them.

It's the fear men have of being on the receiving end that causes masculinity to quiver.

I dunno, maybe I've been listening to the Read too much.

You can ask a woman to put her mouth there, and that's not gay, but somehow asking her to put her finger there is? GTFOH. Y'all are confused.

As with most things, being a man tends to make racial identity easier. Worth keeping in mind next time I get mad at a white person for not recognizing their privilege.

I had an Indian woman at the newstand ask me if I was "Bengali" not Indian…. Bengali. That seemed awfully specific. I took my hate off, and awkwardly rubbed the berber carpet on my head that I was about to get cut and told her "No sorry."

Most importantly, the next President is likely going to be responsible for choosing the replacements for several Supreme Court Justices, and have the opportunity to swing the Court back to being liberal for the first time in nearly three decades. Regardless of whether Clinton or Sanders gets elected, their choices of

Considering when I was really depressed my now fiance built me a pillow fort, this scene really had me going.

I find most religious people don't take their religion all that seriously until confronted by someone who is clearly not religious (which is understandable).

I'm an atheist, my wife is a liberal Protestant. It used to be a big point of contention when we started dating, but after going to a few services at a Unitarian Church we were both sufficiently happy with the experience. I don't exactly object to raising christian children, but I'd prefer if it was more for the

Corporate Thug = The Brothers of Omega Psi Phi.

Considering Red Mars is an extremely nerdy, hard sci-fi story from the 90s, I have to imagine Spike is attempting to change the direction of their network somewhat, which I welcome.

Do a game where you deal with the problems of the NCR expanding into territory that doesn't necessarily want to be brought into it. It could be a prequel of sorts and take place somewhere between Fallout 1 and Fallout New Vegas (including the time around Fallout 2).

You thought you could run the place? You and what army?

When the apocalypse comes, my physical copy of Fallout will still be playable (at least I hope so).

I definitely played through Fallout 1 over maybe two or three weekends while I was in 7th grade. Definitely not a huge time-suck. Fallout 2, on the other hand, can probably consume the rest of your life if you let it.

Yeah the bugs in FO2 were legendary. I'm pretty sure it was a 50/50 shot that I'd be able to make it through the martial arts tournament without getting the infinite stopwatch.

In fairness, depending on where one lives, there may not be a whole lot of places to meet black men.