
Seriously. Reade has been about as debunked as any sexual assault accuser ever could be. Biden’s certainly had his problems with appropriate behavior toward women, and the constant handsiness and treatment of Anita Hill don’t help at all. But Reade’s allegation was garbage. Jezebel’s commitment to believing women is

They are not being jailed because of the prom votes, but because did the illegal access to other people’s private and confidential information which could include things like SSNs (or at least the last 4 digits) for all we know. Involving minors.

Shame she couldn’t deepfake herself some lips, or less real estate on that forehead.

They are to folk music what Coldplay are to rock. Which makes them much, much worse than Coldplay, because at least those guys don’t pretend to be the authentic earthy rural types.

Leonard totally stepped in it not only because he used an anti-Semitic slur (on a team owned by a Jewish owner in a league with a Jewish commissioner, no less!)

Instead of voter suppression, can’t republicans just offer everything that people want and then blatently go back on their word after getting elected and proceed to grift the nation?  Seems simpler.

No, no, no...

Sorry if I hurt anyone with my insensitive tweets” is a non-apology. At that point, you’re only apologizing because because people have said they’re hurt, but you’re still behaving as if you’re not sure they actually are. All actual apologies are ultimately “Sorry to” someone. And in the case of

Is it? I thought non-apologies were “sorry if you were offended” bullshit - you know, where they make it a problem of the victim’s reaction, not ackowledging that their action was the bad thing.

Quite telling that his goal wasn’t to stop being racist, but just to stop being so obvious about it.

Dude. Facebook tirades not even your friends read and iPhone selfie rant videos on a YouTube page no one visits does not a “journalist” make.

I pity your editor.

clothed orgies are the coming Normal? You gaddamn dummy kids don’t know a thing about sexing. Weed, Foghat, gallons of Sangria and a shag rug is how we done it in my day ... none of that gaddamn spray tan

But she had a crummy wine in a can and was mean to working-class people, isn’t that enough?

I can sympathise with Lohan and Britney since they seemed to be victims of greedy parents and handlers that cared far more about lining their bank accounts than they did their child’s well being.
But also back in the aughts, people like Paris gained a lot of their “celebrity” status by creating a persona as an

FFS we spent the last four years with an entire administration playing fast and loose with the rules. Did you guys like how that went? Is that something we want to continue?

I want the $15 minimum wage (now, not in four years) just as much as anyone but why are we trying to fire Elizabeth MacDonough for doing her job?

Pity he’s not a Democrat, then there would at least be a chance he’d have to resign. As it stands, I’m sure he’s in line for a GOP medal or something.

I wouldn't trust these morons to talk to a fire hydrant, let alone a bunch of kids.

Even if it were true, “disillusioned with Trump” doesn’t mean shit. If you were so balls-out dumbfuck stupid/racist/evil as to be suckered into sedition by Trump in the first place, guess what? You’re going to be easy game for the next senile cult leader who comes along. Maybe prison is the safest place.