
I literally gasped when my notifications popped up. Although “Gawker is following you” seemed a little irony-drenched.

Yay, Spoon! This song makes me happy.

It’s *exactly* like it is in my dreams!

Hey! We’re real, man, and we poop rainbows.

Mine doubles as a GWAR poster! Your sports talk radio show is Odious and Guano on 590, The Sports Execution.

THIS needs to become an Olympic sport. Ice javelin.

As a former equestrian, I agree 110%. I mean, under this rationale, dog agility could be an Olympic sport. So could sheep herding. Sure, they take a lot of skill, but the animal is ultimately the “actor.” For me, the question is: without a human, could the activity be done to at least some degree, by the “instrument”?

Two(ish) words: Gary Dell’Abbate.

Michael, for his part, is interested in politics (he supported Bernie Sanders during the primaries) and loves cooking and travel. He has three daughters and coaches their basketball teams. He runs a foundation that promotes healthy eating, and he has a garden in Hawaii. I ask him what he grows there.

You bastard. +1

Oh god... I didn’t notice that. That’s... amazing.

Butter, eggs, and xanthan gum. Otherwise it’s crumbly and dry as fuck.

It’s true, and I thank you. I would have been so fucking psyched to be at a place with GF options... and so fucking crushed to find it a hollow promise. Who will court my celiac vote? Whooooooo? (Just kidding, doesn’t matter, go Dems!)

I hate you for the fact that I will never be able to see Bojack again without thinking “Bojack Horsedong.” Damn you and your star from me.

This GIF makes me happy.

That clip of Drew really is the GIF that keeps on giving...

It’s been a pleasure to read your work, Jia, and I wish you the best in the next phase. No sarcasm, no snark, just appreciation.

Yeah, my third-grade class watched it live.

“It’s unkind to make fun of people who have hurt themselves.”

“It becomes a weird slippery slope—a half-marathon begets a marathon begets a 50K begets a 50 mile.”