
How is not knowing he was in the coast guard racist? I didn’t know he was in the coast guard either. But I also didn’t read any of the articles about this because so much hate was going on and I thought my head would explode if I read one. more. word.

Well, that’s the court of public opinion for you. We’re contradictory in that we’ll gather all the info we can JUST so we can find fault with it and be nestled in comfort in our own little bubbles. Stepping outside of those is the toughest part, especially for those of us insulated by our privilege.

No, I’m with you. I don’t really disagree. I just hate that there seem to be these trials with the public in which people seem to be debating just how decent or terrible the victim was. I know that’s not what you were doing, but just in general, whether this guy served really shouldn’t be germane, but I get what

To all those so bent out of shape by my comment, is it really that hard to believe?

Well. The Eugenics movement that led to mass murder in Germany was built on ideas that were first developed and filled out in the US, there were small scale attempts at bringing such policies into practice(forced sterilization, mass lobotomies, things like the Tuskegee experiment are in the same vein). There was also

Now playing

I see your bear, and raise you a moose family playing in sprinklers!

Not to mention bread is nutritiously shitty

Effectively, they were for a while.

I would say that a big reason why we were so late to the war, was due to the support of many Americans for Germany. If you set aside the way that the term fascist has been recently coopted by the right for it’s own use, fascism had (has) pretty widespread support in this country. Also a few American companies were

I’ma just go ahead and say America then, as always, put economic concerns ahead of ideological ones, and in fact most American ideology arises from economic concern. Japan was a competitor, and the US had been using some nasty sanctions to try to push her out of the way- economically, the US fired the first shot. An

I think the problem might be....

While I totally agree with you, being the plump person of a naturally thin mother who was (big sad sigh) always trying to gain some weight I will say that using (used to be) only unnaturally thin models (most live on nothing a day, this is public record) and rarely just average (or even a little under) sized models is

Exactly, the comparison isn’t in whether it’s wrong or not. They’re both wrong. But, similarly, I don’t really give a shit about either.

Oh, I need to see this.

Yup. In If These Walls Could Talk 2, Vanessa Redgrave and Marian Seldes play longtime lovers - greying and arthritic, but very much married. Seldes’ character dies suddenly in an accident.

Several of my older relatives were all broke and living on fixed income, but somehow managed to open up new credit cards shortly before they died. They racked up toonnnnssss of debt, buying us everything we’d needed for a long time but couldn’t afford, and when they died, there was no property to go after anyways.

The swindlers didn’t have to grow up with her as a parent. There’s a reason her daughter was estranged. It’s much easier to “be there” for people when you aren’t carrying around a lifetime of resentment towards them. There’s a good chance Bettencourt viewed these guys as her “friends” who, unlike her daughter, had no

Holy shit, the comments on this article.

@LutherNipperkin: I also don't think it is xenophobic of us to suggest that the pads and tampons available to Westerners are likely more efficient and effective than the alternatives developing countries have been using for centuries. Other cultures have been dealing with menstruation since time began, but that

@LutherNipperkin: Very nice explanation. I agree that working to deliver modern fem hygeine products is important and helps keep girls in school/women in the workplace, and helps to dispel the idea that women are "unclean" during their period, which is prevalent in many parts of the world and plays a significant